that (last line) doesnt quite make sense, but everyone is different in terms of their body fat/muscle distribution.
if you're serious about wanting to lose weight then start off by doing some sort of regular exercise.
if you dont already do some form of regular exercise, go for a 45min powerwalk everyday.
if you have weights at home, do some weights once a week (or twice), stuff like dumbell lunges/squats, shoulder press, chest press (compound movements). you dont need to go too heavy, just enough to actually be tired afterwards. if no weights, then make sure you religiously do your walks.
lastly watch what you eat. cut out all sugary soft drinks and replace them with water. you should drink your bodyweight in ounces each day (google an ounce-liter converter so u know how much water u should drink per day). Replace all sugary/oily snacks (lollies, chocolates, chips) with something like a small salad, or mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, whatever you like, but almonds are good for u).
the key is to stick to your routine and not skip for any reason (especially not for laziness) unless you're extremely sick i suppose lol.