xiao1985 said:
i kno... making quittin bos so hard...
wut's the damn quit line when u needed it?! =(
hmmm...It looks like u need the help of Mr Ideas !!!!
here's the procedure for quitting BOS:
1. Open Notepad [Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad]
2. Go to
3. Login to BOS forums
4. Go to UserCP and the Edit Email and Password
5. Type in your current passoword
6. Go back to Notepad, close your eyes, then press about 10 random buttons on your keyboard
7. Copy and paste this into "New Password" text box in step 4.
8. Confirm this password.
9. Then click "Save Changes".
Now your done!.....but If u r really really adict that u might try to recover a lost passowrd I suggest u do the same to your hotmail account...so u can't use either.
Pleasure helping you out!