Yeah I went today. I had a great time, but then again, it doesn't take all that much to amuse me. The whole bannister thing was funny, yep. I especially liked the build up to it, though. I had making the most out of university life, which was fun, we basically played human-bingo, and learned a bit about people we'll quite possibly never see or speak to again, as well as learning about the series of events that UOW tends to hold...some of them I'm definitely considering. Secondly, was international exchange. I only disliked that because, as has been said before, all the information they provided is available elsewhere...though I did like the talk of other peoples experiences. I really enjoyed why should I study a language at Uni...technically I'd already made up my mind on that one...I dont really know why I even elected that session...but it was beneficial in that the person hosting it was actually the head of the language Im hoping to learn and perhaps "study abroad" with in the near future...and lastly was Commerce: Whats the Big Deal....Yeah....I really don't know what happened there...I about fell asleep until the lecturer started talking about his wife and then star trek...then put on a black fuzzy wig, pulled out a pimp stick and started dancing around to a youtube clip he put on for us...and yes I'm being serious. All in all, it was an experience I definitely appreciate and hope everyone got out of it atleast as much as I did ^_^
And this would have been a much shorter post if I'd bother saying beforehand that I planned on going today xD