
ive read all of your comments so far but i was wondering if you could help me with a couple more questions.
im doing this degree because i was told by a lecturer at the open day that this is the best next option if you dnt make it into physio.
i just missed out on it.
I know that alot of people do this course because they are still uncertain about what path they want to take , but i def knw that i want to be a physio. However after reading more info about the course, i am having second thoughts. My plan was to do the graduate entry masters for physio. i knw that yu need a credit average but some places it says with this you are guaranteed a spot in it and others say you are elligible to apply, and that it is very competitive... i was wondering if you knw how it works or of any other people who have tried to get in and didnt or did.
When i look at the career opportunities with the BHS there is nothing that really interests me and the 3yrs will be a waste of time. So now i changed my prefernces for the 2nd round offers for applied science(sport science/exercise usyd) and exercise physiology(UNSW) as they seem to more able to cater for my interests because in the end yu can become a exercise scientist. I was gona ask your opinion on that becuase realistically those two courses seem more closer to physio than a BHS. And also im not sure which one would be easier to do any transfers with.
sorry for this extremely long essay but im just really confused nd stressed out
thanks in advance