Uni Preferences (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
Hey everyone,
i was wondering if someone could give me an opinion on this. So i have 2 main uni courses that i want to do next year, one has a cutoff of 83.5 while the other one has a cutoff of 70.05. My number one preference is the 83.5 course but im worried i might not be able to achieve that ATAR. So my question is if there is a chance i wont get that atar, should i still put it as my number one preference and put the 70.05 course at 2nd or should i just put the 70.05 course as my first choice. Does putting the 70.05 course as my 2nd preference affect my chance of getting into it should i not get the 83.5 atar.

Thank you in advance for any replies!


Active Member
Feb 12, 2013
Definitely put the 83 one first as you should always put the one you want to do first, because if you did get a high enough ATAR to get into the 83.5 course, if you put the 70.05 as first preference you would get into that one and not get an offer for the 83 course that you want more.

If you have the higher ATAR course first, even if you don't get over 83.5 it will not harm your chances for the 70 course and you will still be considered just as equally for the second course as any other applicant


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
I'm not sure how the offers work - do we only get an offer on one of our preferences? Or can we get offers on more than one preference? Surely you could have the 70.05 first and 83.5 second, and if you got over 83.5, you'd still get an offer for it? I'm confused.
you can only get one offer each round

for example
I changed my preferences every round for 2012 entry
so in the early round I had
1 - BE/BMedSc @ USyd
2 - BMedSc @ UNSW
3 - BSc (AdvSc) @ UWS
Since back then early round considered your top 3 preferences I got an offer for BSc(AdvSc) at UWS

I then changed my preferences for main round with:
1 - BE/BMedSc @ USyd
2 - BMedSc @ UNSW
3 - BMedSc (Adv) @ UWS
and 6 more preffs
I got an offer for BE/BMedSc @ USyd

I then changed my preferences again for the late round
1 - BMedSc @ UNSW
2 - BMedSc (Adv) @ UWS
3 - BSc (Adv) @ USyd
and 6 more preffs
I then got an offer for BMedSc (Adv) @ UWS as the BMedSc @ UNSW had given out all offers in the main round.

The final round I put my preffs as:
1 - BMedSc @ UNSW
2 - BSc (Adv) @ USyd
and 7 more preffs
And I got an offer for BSc (Adv) @ USyd

This meant I had 4 offers all up and 4 courses I could pick from to study.
I picked BE/BMedSc, but I liked having my options open.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
I'm not sure how the offers work - do we only get an offer on one of our preferences? Or can we get offers on more than one preference? Surely you could have the 70.05 first and 83.5 second, and if you got over 83.5, you'd still get an offer for it? I'm confused.
You get the offer based on the order of preference, i.e. if your ATAR is within the maximum number of available offers, then you get that offer and that's it for that round. Remember that those cutoffs are determined after offers have been released, so you can't know if your say 90 ATAR will be enough to meet the requirements of either of those courses you have selected. Therefore you should put the course you desire most since there is no guarantee that you will get an offer for any of your courses. You only get 1 offer per round. Later rounds are vacancy dependent - if there are no vacancies, then you cannot receive an offer.

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