yes u can. do that.
lik Yr 3 of course + UMAT + Applications.. in 2008
then Med 1... in 2009 hopefully.
heres what i have *heard*...
ppl do the UMAT one as like a backup... cos like u never know that u might not make a GAMSAT school..
lik think about it.. if u get rejected from all the 4-4.5 yr courses tat req GAMSAT.. and u get an offer to a 5 yr course tat req UMAT..
why not take it?
cos if u got accepted into the 4-4.5 yr course the following yr.. ud be 5-5.5 yrs to graduation.. so its not bad to take the 5 yr course anyways.
alternatively some graduates do not like the pressure of Grad-entry schools... basically if ure not from a very "competitive" undergraduate course.. u may not be use to the pressure of being up against the other grads/masters grads/PhDs.. and a Med course with just yr 12 leavers and UMAT ppl would be ideal to get back into the swing of things..
The GAMSAT and its science/essays can be quite hard since time management is a heavy focus. the UMAT is lateral thinking and basically no science but rather assertions and intepretation of information. different persons may do one exam better than the other.
Essentially the decision is based on maximising chances and lifestyle choices as well. If you can justify working another yr and reapplying instead of moving interstate then do what makes u happy