True or False? (2 Viewers)


Jul 19, 2005
acmilan said:
No that function is continuous at 2 and automatically you know the limit exists and equals 4. Remember you need to simplify before evaluating the limit, but you could also show it with l'Hopital's rule
the graph is discontinuous at x = 2 because at x = 2, x<sup>2</sup> - 4 = 0 at x - 2 = 0 so we get <sup>0</sup>/<sub>0</sub> which is undefined, however:

because there exists 0<|x-2|<δ such that |<sup>x<sup>2</sup>-4</sup>/<sub>x-2</sub>-4|<ε for infinitely small δ

[just clarifying my last post]


I'll stab ya
May 24, 2004
Yes I erred amongst writing up the proof for both functions i was working with using epsilon-delta. The limit exists, the function value at that point doesnt equal the limit's value and hence its not continuous at that point. Taking δ = ε proves the limit exists


Jul 19, 2005
Xayma said:
Some limits dont exist because they are different from the left and right
thats completely correct but for the 0<sup>0</sup> case there is no graph for x <= 0

that idea is for graphs that exist on either side of the line x = a, where a the point of the limit


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
It does in the complex plane.

If y=xx then y=ex(ln -x+i&pi;)

For example -e is e-e(ln e+i&pi;)
=e-e(cos e&pi;+isin e&pi;)

*Ignore any mistakes :p*

Basically any x will be y=-x<sup>x</sup>(cos -x&pi;+isin -x&pi;)


Jul 19, 2005
Slide Rule said:
I confused the condition for a limit existing with the conditions for a derivative existing
what u said is completely correct, however:

↑ this only equals 1 when x is not equal to 2


Love Addict - Nakashima
Jan 16, 2005
Oh my god, my 3U past paper question thread has been turned Ex 2, and moved into the "Appreciating the Beauty and Elegance" forum. :eek:

Excuse me for my spam.


Jul 19, 2005
i meant where did u get that article from and what does it have to do with this thread?


I wanna be a nebula too!!
Jun 8, 2004
somewhere amidst the nebulaic cloud of your heart
personally, i think this thread has gone on for long enough. and i consider the issue of the limit of 0^0 settled.
however, for the 'newcomers' to this thread and also for the purpose of sticking to the topic of the debate (which has at times been sidetracked), here is a synopsis of what has happened so far on the discussion over 0^0: (from the point when Xayma started to criticise brett86 [maths > english])

{key terms/ideas are in bold, names in italics.}

1) Xayma started by saying that brett86 is wrong because he requires brett86 to approach the point x= 0 from both sides in the use of l'Hopitals Rule, in which case this shows the limit does not exist according to Xayma.

2) i tried to say that all Xayma proved with that is that the point x=0 is a discontinuity and that the graph does NOT even exist on the negative side - this is why an approach from both sides does not work, not because the limit doesn't exist, but because you can't take the limit from both sides since common sense says you can't do that with one whole side missing!

3) acmilan then introduces the concept of the epsilon-delta definition, which is a formal test for the existence of a limit at a particular point. however, the epsilon-delta definition takes approaches from both side of the point x= 0, just like Xayma's method, and consequently shows that a limit at x = 0 does not exist.

4) i tried to argue that, like Xayma's method, the epsilon-delta definition is inapplicable because of the simple reason that you cannot take an approach from both side of x=0 since one side is just simply missing.

5) i found a formal mathworld site which stipulates the use of the epsilon-delta definition as a test for continuity about a point of a graph/function. the limit test, of course, itself being one of the three requirements that defines a locally continuous region on a curve. hence, the implication being that you cannot use the epsilon-delta definition to test for a limit about a discontinuous point - which x = 0 on y=x^x is. {especially with one whole side missing} x= 0 is also a critical point.

6) the website suggested the use of l'Hopitals Rule under the circumstances where the epsilon-delta definition does not work (ie. in this case), which brings us back to the initial use of l'Hopitals Rule by brett86 that shows 0^0 has a limit of 1. however, knowing that the use of l'Hopitals Rule is required now only because we can't use the epsilon-delta definition means that an approach from both sides is no longer necessary (otherwise it'd be no different than the epsilon-delta). and so approaching from the most appropriate side, ie. where the graph actually exists, brings us back to the point brett86 already made: 0^0 has a limit of 1.

7) Xayma introduces the concept of a complex limit. however, the graph is on a real number plane, NOT an Argand plane, and so any complex limits is irrelevant since the limit of the curve/graph is real. this introduction of a complex limit only "sidesteps" the real issue of the existence of a limit at x=0 for Xayma, since this is not a real argument/solution to the issue.

8) Slide_Rule suggests the inapproriateness of using l'Hopitals Rule on the function y= x^x as x --> 0 .

9) brett86 defends his use of l'Hopitals Rule successfully with support from mathematical software, such as Maple - which all agree the limit of 0^0 to be = 1. In addition, many posts ago, i previously posted a graph of the function y=x^x near x=0, as drawn by Mathematica, which supports brett86's conclusion that 0^0 has a limit of 1.

10) acmilan questions the continuity of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) at the point where x= 2, saying that it is indeed continuous at x=2 and that the epsilon-delta definition can thus be applied. acmilan further quotes the limit at x=2 as L =2.

11) i am pretty sure, as is brett86, that at x=2, the graph of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) is NOT continuous... meaning that the epsilon-delta definition cannot be applied, further implying, according to Slide_Rule, that a limit at x=2 does not actually exist.

12) most parties agree now that the limit at x=2 on y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) does in fact exist, and it is L = 2 as acmilan had quoted originally.

13) Xayma re-introduces the complex limit.

14) brett86 questions, like i did, the validity of introducing the complex limit again. the reason being we are looking at a graph on the real number plane - nothing to do with the Argand plane (they are separate planes!).

... (to be continued? hopefully not any longer!)
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Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
who_loves_maths said:
personally, i think this thread has gone on for long enough. and i consider the issue of the limit of 0^0 settled.
however, for the 'newcomers' to this thread and also for the purpose of sticking to the topic of the debate (which has at times been sidetracked), here is a synopsis of what has happened so far on the discussion over 0^0: (from the point when Xayma started to criticise brett86 [maths > english])

{key terms/ideas are in bold, names in italics.}

1) Xayma said brett86 is wrong because he requires brett86 to approach the point x= 0 from both sides in the use of l'Hopitals Rule, in which case this shows the limit does not exist according to Xayma.

2) i tried to say that all Xayma proved with that is that the point x=0 is a discontinuity and that the graph does NOT even exist on the negative side - this is why an approach from both sides does not work, not because the limit doesn't exist, but because you can't take the limit from both sides since common sense says you can't do that with one whole side missing!

3) acmilan then introduces the concept of the epsilon-delta definition, which is a formal test for the existence of a limit at a particular point. however, the epsilon-delta definition takes approaches from both side of the point x= 0, just like Xayma's method, and consequently shows that a limit at x = 0 does not exist.

4) i tried to argue that, like Xayma's method, the epsilon-delta definition is inapplicable because of the simple reason that you cannot take an approach from both side of x=0 since one side is just simply missing.

5) i found a formal mathworld site which stipulates the use of the epsilon-delta definition as a test for continuity about a point of a graph/function. the limit test, of course, itself being one of the three requirements that defines a locally continuous region on a curve. hence, the implication being that you cannot use the epsilon-delta definition to test for a limit about a discontinuous point - which x = 0 on y=x^x is. {especially with one whole side missing} x= 0 is also a critical point.

6) the website suggested the use of l'Hopitals Rule under the circumstances where the epsilon-delta definition does not work (ie. in this case), which brings us back to the initial use of l'Hopitals Rule by brett86 that shows 0^0 has a limit of 1. however, knowing that the use of l'Hopitals Rule is required now only because we can't use the epsilon-delta definition means that an approach from both sides is no longer necessary (otherwise it'd be no different than the epsilon-delta). and so approaching from the most appropriate side, ie. where the graph actually exists, brings us back to the point brett86 already made: 0^0 has a limit of 1.

7) Xayma introduces the concept of a complex limit. however, the graph is on a real number plane, NOT an Argand plane, and so any complex limits is irrelevant since the limit of the curve/graph is real. this introduction of a complex limit only "sidesteps" the real issue of the existence of a limit at x=0 for Xayma, since this is not a real argument/solution to the issue.

8) Slide_Rule suggests the inapproriateness of using l'Hopitals Rule on the function y= x^x as x --> 0 .

9) brett86 defends his use of l'Hopitals Rule successfully with support from mathematical software, such as Maple - which all agree the limit of 0^0 to be = 1. In addition, many posts ago, i previously posted a graph of the function y=x^x near x=0, as drawn by Mathematica, which supports brett86's conclusion that 0^0 has a limit of 1.

10) acmilan questions the continuity of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) at the point where x= 2, saying that it is indeed continuous at x=2 and that the epsilon-delta definition can thus be applied. acmilan further quotes the limit at x=2 as L =2.

11) i am pretty sure, as is brett86, that at x=2, the graph of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) is NOT continuous... meaning that the epsilon-delta definition cannot be applied, further implying, according to Slide_Rule, that a limit at x=2 does not actually exist.

12) most parties agree now that the limit at x=2 on y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) does in fact exist, and it is L = 2 as acmilan had quoted originally.

13) Xayma re-introduces the complex limit.

14) brett86 questions, like i did, the validity of introducing the complex limit again. the reason being we are looking at a graph on the real number plane - nothing to do with the Argand plane (they are separate planes!).

... (to be continued ?)

okay, i think this is as far as we have gotten. tell me if i missed anything important or relevant.
There seems to have been a mistake, you've accidentally left out my contributions.

Edit: Anyway, I know you must be pretty busy, so I've included an amended copy o the thread's content.

maths_jesus said:
{key terms/ideas are in bold, names in italics.}

1) Xayma said brett86 is wrong because he requires brett86 to approach the point x= 0 from both sides in the use of l'Hopitals Rule, in which case this shows the limit does not exist according to Xayma.

2) i tried to say that all Xayma proved with that is that the point x=0 is a discontinuity and that the graph does NOT even exist on the negative side - this is why an approach from both sides does not work, not because the limit doesn't exist, but because you can't take the limit from both sides since common sense says you can't do that with one whole side missing!

3) acmilan then introduces the concept of the epsilon-delta definition, which is a formal test for the existence of a limit at a particular point. however, the epsilon-delta definition takes approaches from both side of the point x= 0, just like Xayma's method, and consequently shows that a limit at x = 0 does not exist.

4) i tried to argue that, like Xayma's method, the epsilon-delta definition is inapplicable because of the simple reason that you cannot take an approach from both side of x=0 since one side is just simply missing.

5) i found a formal mathworld site which stipulates the use of the epsilon-delta definition as a test for continuity about a point of a graph/function. the limit test, of course, itself being one of the three requirements that defines a locally continuous region on a curve. hence, the implication being that you cannot use the epsilon-delta definition to test for a limit about a discontinuous point - which x = 0 on y=x^x is. {especially with one whole side missing} x= 0 is also a critical point.

6) the website suggested the use of l'Hopitals Rule under the circumstances where the epsilon-delta definition does not work (ie. in this case), which brings us back to the initial use of l'Hopitals Rule by brett86 that shows 0^0 has a limit of 1. however, knowing that the use of l'Hopitals Rule is required now only because we can't use the epsilon-delta definition means that an approach from both sides is no longer necessary (otherwise it'd be no different than the epsilon-delta). and so approaching from the most appropriate side, ie. where the graph actually exists, brings us back to the point brett86 already made: 0^0 has a limit of 1.

7) Xayma introduces the concept of a complex limit. however, the graph is on a real number plane, NOT an Argand plane, and so any complex limits is irrelevant since the limit of the curve/graph is real. this introduction of a complex limit only "sidesteps" the real issue of the existence of a limit at x=0 for Xayma, since this is not a real argument/solution to the issue.

8) Slide_Rule suggests the inapproriateness of using l'Hopitals Rule on the function y= x^x as x --> 0 .

9) brett86 defends his use of l'Hopitals Rule successfully with support from mathematical software, such as Maple - which all agree the limit of 0^0 to be = 1. In addition, many posts ago, i previously posted a graph of the function y=x^x near x=0, as drawn by Mathematica, which supports brett86's conclusion that 0^0 has a limit of 1.

10) acmilan questions the continuity of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) at the point where x= 2, saying that it is indeed continuous at x=2 and that the epsilon-delta definition can thus be applied. acmilan further quotes the limit at x=2 as L =2.

11) i am pretty sure, as is brett86, that at x=2, the graph of y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) is NOT continuous... meaning that the epsilon-delta definition cannot be applied, further implying, according to Slide_Rule, that a limit at x=2 does not actually exist.

12) most parties agree now that the limit at x=2 on y=(x^2 -4)/(x +2) does in fact exist, and it is L = 2 as acmilan had quoted originally.

13) Xayma re-introduces the complex limit.

14) brett86 questions, like i did, the validity of introducing the complex limit again. the reason being we are looking at a graph on the real number plane - nothing to do with the Argand plane (they are separate planes!).

Seeing as you wrote most of it yourself I'll credit it to you, but I really think it's missing something without my bits. Anyway, that's all, congratulations on reaching a partial conclusion to this issue, and good luck with your future maths endeavours!

Edit again: Hi, here is a kitten, so we can all walk away from this with warm fuzzy feelings.

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Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
brett86 said:
i meant where did u get that article from and what does it have to do with this thread?
I suspect he's being ironic ;).
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
who_loves_maths said:
^ your sarcastic and ironical tone of speech undermines the integrity or seriousness of whatever agenda you are trying to display.
You don't like kittens? Fine, here is a fennec fox, it is also cute and instills warm and fuzzy feelings.

You'd better appreciate this, googling fennec turns up all sorts of shit created by those "furry" fetishist deviants, if I wanted to watch foxes having sex I'd kill myself thank you very much!

In other news, you'd do well to heed this warning!

Edit: Strictly speaking it's a request, ok bye :)


I wanna be a nebula too!!
Jun 8, 2004
somewhere amidst the nebulaic cloud of your heart
^ like i said, the irony of your tone completely defeats anything worthwhile you have to say.

your sarcastic 'messages of peace', which you called your "contributions", are as stupid as they are redundant.
mathematical discussions are both an enriching and enlightening experience, such as this one, which encourages learning and understanding ... no one here has conducted him/herself in vow of hostility and malice.
however, when such discussions are getting repetitve (such as about now) then its probably wise to stop.

if you fall into discomfort, or perhaps contempt, at the content of this thread then simply turn your eyes away. you are not forced to read nor comment. if you don't plan to add constructive or helpful comments to the maths of this thread, then plz don't add anything at all. your destructive attitude towards this thread is the only thing that needs 'pacifying'.

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