First job? It's been a fair few years since my first job, but I'll do my best to give some advice. So the first thing you need to do is sit down and figure out what you want from this "job" thing. Is it going to be just a job, or are you looking at a career? Once you've done this, spend a day researching people, organisations and fields in that industry. Work out who is an industry leader, who you should stay away from, which field you want to enter etc etc. Then make a list of places to apply. Pick the best 10, 20 or even 30 places and have that list handy. Research them well and then have a look at your resume.
It's more than likely that your resume looks like tumbleweeds are going past or is a polar bear in a snowstorm. There won't be too much there to see. That's okay though. You probably need to promote your personality here, rather than your achievements. A good idea is to talk to professional resume people to set a resume out. Otherwise do your own and have a few management types you know look at it. Ask some people what they think your strengths are and put them down. Put your contact details down. Get half a dozen references from people who have no real relationship with you - teachers, principals, local identities who have done something with you etc etc. Having interviewed people myself in a past life, the best resumes - and the ones who got an interview - were one page and had all I needed to know. Luckily for you it probably only takes one page!

People do contact your referees, so don't make people up. And we will recognise an older voice or a younger voice. And we may call back from a different phone with a different voice. We've being around the block a few times you know... Send your resumes out to the people on the list and wait. Persevere with it by the way. No one likes a quitter. You big girl.
If and when you get an interview, be ready to be quite modest but confident in your abilities. Be straight up with us. If you are willing to work your guts out then say so. If you aren't really and just want a paycheck then don't say you will work your guts out. If you say you are reliable be reliable. WE WILL SACK YOU OTHERWISE! We've given you a chance and we want to see that repaid.
When you get that job, go in and do everything you said you would and more. If you are given a job to do, ask for a second or even third job so you don't get lazy. Use your initiative and don't watch the clock. If you do a job once then next time try doing that job just a little quicker next time. We've given you a chance and want to see you improve, but if you rest on your laurels there's the door. It's a hard slog for the first 5 years, but over time you will really become invaluable. Those little basic things you tried to do better each time will eventually come back in cash and promotions with some luck.
So that's pretty much it. You need luck to get that first job, but when you do make it count. Planning will help considerably as well as having a clear direction. Good luck!