I have classes one after the other and I can't change. Just wondering; how long does it take to walk from:
- Carslaw building to Bosch building
- Footbridge theatre to Institute building
- Institute building to Education building
- Chemistry building to Carslaw building
- Merewether to Wallace
Thank you !
footbridge to institute and institute to education are both going to be difficult to do in 10mins because you need to cross at the lights and they're different ends of the campus. For Institute to Education, you could maybe walk down Fisher Road and then left on Manning (defs faster than going up to Eastern Ave). I'd probably suggest the Fisher/Manning road for when going from Merewether to Wallace as well. Carslaw to Bosch you can just go straight down Physics road.
Carslaw to Bosch can usually be done in 8-10 (it's all downhill so sometimes a little longer to go the reverse way) and the easiest way is to go down some stairs between Masden and Chemistry, then straight down Physics road.
I personally wouldn't do Merewether to Wallace/Footbridge to Institute/Institute to Education if I didn't absolutely have to, but I'm a relatively ambly walker and would rather spread out my classes.
You can always wander around in o-week to test out the distance between things and find your classrooms so you're not stressing during your first week or two