Oh I agree. Unsw open day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usyd's open day
I had a fantastic time, even though I'm not a science/ mathematics person, I became so interested in the engineering/ science projects. It was as if every faculty were so proud of what they have achieved and going to achieve, and decided to give everyone at Open Day a taste of it. And I really liked that sense of optimism. It was very well catered, I was never lost, people were overall friendly, lots of student helpers, etc. I went to the Philosphy talk, and was happy that the professor answered my question

I didn't go to any lectures at Usyd... was planning on Design Computing but I already made up my mind about the university. Everyone around me seemed to be having a good time, I was cuing for some blue fairy floss, lovely commerce student had a conversation with me... I was sad to leave, i had a great time.
About travel... it would probably take me around the same time to get to UNSW than it would take to get to Broadway. But I think travel time is eventually something most people would get over.