Pie..that would have sucked!
I thought it was interesting to see everyone else's comments about being kicked out of rooms.....must be a pretty common thing...our music class was always kicked out of a room (or they just never allocated us a room in the first place) when the yr 7's had music on at the same time. There was only 7 people in my class so we were always lowest piority. It says something...though...doesn't it, about the attitude of schools towards a subject like music. Like....even my school who is supposedly a "good school for music" - like they offer music scholarships and stuff - still has a pretty poor attitude towards the music department (i.e. lack of funding...lack of available rooms!) anyway....
Just on a slightly different note...did any of you get nominated for encore?? I did..but I feel like such a fraud! Encore is supposedly for good music ppl...and I'm so bodge...it's just that I play the bassoon, and that alone was enough to make the examiners go whoa! I swear, even if I'f played mary had a little lamb They still would have thought it was good.....hmmm...I don't get it