lol he did say it a few days (weeks?) ago.
I've used it a few times already, it was an absolute lifesaver, especially when really busy.
Re: Upgrade, is anyone else finding the new O.M. really annoying? it just seems unnecessary for the $10/$5 notes, and even if needed it should be after the notes in the menu, not after coins.
I kept stuffing up the spot checks when i started today, had to be careful.
I wasn't needing it then

But I'll remember it now. And I don't find the OM's an issue, because I don't use that part of the spot check menu. I add the number of coins in a bag onto how many loose ones - ie 25 $2 in a bag + 12 loose = 37. And if your maths is not so good, you can just type in 25, enter, then 12, enter.
Please explain. What does O.M. mean?
Order Multiple - basically the same as the old "roll"

so do you like it for the most part? What are the pros and cons
Well I've been there over three years, so there must be something I like haha. I guess the biggest thing for me has been the flexibility. I'm at a point now where I can set my availability to get exactly what shifts I want, its fantastic.
I love the people I work with. There's a few of us who all started together, most of us are now supervisors, one is now an office cashier. Where lacho95 said that you don't really get to know your supervisors or managers isn't really true in my case. I try really hard to make newbies feel a part of the group, even when it comes down to when they're sat in the lunchroom. It can be a bit different with managers, just because there's possibly an age difference that may not (or it could, idk) exist so much at Maccas. In saying that though, my CSM is 23. My last CSM was 19 when he started in the role. Our deli 2IC is 19. Our Grocery 2IC is 18. My store could be the exception though.
I've found that there really is an emphasis to get the best out of you. My store manager/csm are on a crusade to make me deal with my stress/take things less personally. I guess that this only exists after you move up from just an operator, but still, the support is there.
As I said before, we can't make up your mind. There are pros and cons in both. The cons for Woolies are probably the same for Maccas, when you think about it (ie standing, customers etc).
I've just searched through a stack of posts I've made in this thread, and I'm not sure that I've said anything positive about Woolies in the 536 posts I've made except for this one. I'll quote anything positive I find.