Question: does it take ages for transferring between stores? I'm thinking of moving to the city...
Regarding Earn and Learn, last year I used to just give probably 100+ stickers to some people, simply because there were so many people who didn't claim them... Our store is probably one of the ones they were talking about "giving customers more stickers than they should have".
This year though, we're really cracking down. People are complaining about getting only one sticker, when that is all they are entitled to. Like, the fuck?
Regarding supervision: I was totally lacking in confidence when I started. My 2ic liked me, and they were looking for extra supervisors, so she just asked me. I don't think my CSM at the time liked the idea cause I didn't get a regular supervision shift until like three months later... plus I was 16 at the time :/
I did a few shifts with one of the other supervisors as an operator, and a couple of fuck=ups but got it all done. I used to be really pedantic and stressy about doing every job we had to do, but pretty 'lax about it now, and we usually get everything done. Aaaaaaaaand... I just realized most of that is completely irrelevant ha.
I reckon just being a bit more vocal and lively (something I never was until I've gotten more confident lately) and speak your mind a bit more, should help show your confidence.
How old are you?
We have this one guy at our store who gives me the shits: he has supervisor codes, therefore he thinks he's in charge of the world, hence the reason none of the other employees are a big fan of him. However, he continually answers bells and assists customers with things like scanning policies for the wrong product, or screwing up a Tender Swap and somehow leaving a register short $100, selling SIM cards without checking ID, doing fresh or free on a long life product. That sort of thing. He thinks he knows what he is doing, but he has absolutely no idea.
Also, that's another thing, have a high level of respect for your boss. This guy doesn't, hence why he hasn't been given an actual supervision shift.
Anyway, good luck with it, report back to us over the next couple of weeks