ours is
-action adjustments
-go through time and attendance as normal
-run mondayam.mac
-action excetptions
-cross check each employee in people planner against their contract if PPT, enter CU, F8, SA etc. as necescary.
-cost last weeks wages
-calculate SMS hours
-adjust charges to departments based on SMS
-re-cost last weeks wages based on changes
-quickly double check each employee
-run lastpay.mac
there's not so much double checking of everything at our store,
i don't think we do the CU/F8 etc, what do they mean?
also, if the sms hours are out we're not too fussed, they're usually pretty good, the only real fiddling we do for sms is between bakery and prop bakery, and also between longlife and variety. but that's usually dealt with before monday morning.
also we don't cost until after the lastpay.mac
last week, after checking on tuesday, our wages ended up being roughly $1300
one was payroll charging our relief STM to another store, also another store not paying our relief deli manager his merit.
meaning our wages which i'm checking today suddenly blew by the above amount. none of it our fault.

luckily sales were good on sunday and we come in only just under budget. assuming all goes well today.