Casmira said:
is she shit? bah i was hoping to have our good friend jenny buchan shes awesome

. i have the least tolerance for boring ass lecturers. oh you serious you scored an intern for it? thats heaps good, what kind of place would take specially for that major (not many people do business law). i went shithouse in the legt2721 major i went on the condition precedent base = bad
i was on the wed 6-7pm but now changed it to monday 3-4pm. what about you?
ahah sorry miscommunication, i meant that i was doing internATIONAL business law - the subject later on (sorry haha). cos i don't have room in my degree to do > 1 legal subject per semester.
yeah but hey it would be awesome if that was the case, ive always wondered what type of place/position would, it certainly would be interesting.
yeah well i went down the road of collateral contract, so that didn't give me any brownie points.
j.austin is like. complete bore. see UNSW subject reviews on her subjects. i had her for part of legt1711 - i went to one lecture once in the front row by myself to force myself to concentrate, and still i managed to fall asleep....
don't know who jenny buchan is, what else does she teach?
hey me too! mon 3-4, guess i'll see you there then haha. Good job for changing - 6-7 would have been a very craphouse time.