Sasky said:
thanx for that Merethrond, def. watching it!
What did you think of her in the interview? I think she looked so much older than eighteen (even more so than what she does on "The O.C.")

. She seemed like a nice enough person, even a bit shy. She looked so pretty with that hair style though

. I didn't realise that she isn't an American citizen either

piratedebbie said:
umm well yeh! luke's charcter is soooooooooooo cool! i love how stupid he is!one of the only ones that genuinely make me laugh, along with summer, they r so both oblivious
He went through a period of being funny, but not so much now I don't think

Althea said:
And to be honest, I think that the likes of Rachel Bilson will have more entertaining personalities to interview...
I would have thought Mischa would have been the more outspoken of the two but she seemed quite quite on the Late Show with David Letterman

tonberry_kun said:
Are you referring to their personalities in real life, on the show or looks? Looks wise I would currently say Marissa and then Summer and Anna tied but I frequently change my mind

. Characters on the show would be Summer and Anna tied and then Marissa. I couldn't say in real life

eLmo said:

Merethrond didn't want to include him in his av
Only because he wasn't supposed to be coming back for the second season. I might add him if he is going to stick around then

eLmo said:
mmm if ten are running it properly, they'll probably start season two before next winter.. but then if they want to screw around, they'll show it whenever they feel like it..
If at all

_muse_ said:
aww man im gonna have some serious oc withdrawals soon...
That is the beauty of the season box set

. I will be buying that as soon as it is released in Australia
