marissa caught volchock kissing some other chick at her she dumped him...and he didnt really seem to care

...this is fully wat happened scene by scene...enjoy reading it if your bothered
Down at the pier, Seth tries to impress upon Ryan the significance of the senior prom. If he doesn’t go with Summer, things are officially over. Ryan, who isn’t planning on going, suggests just staying in with some video games that night. But Seth isn’t having it. Beside, he left a message for Summer claiming he was a Brown admissions official, so he’s going to meet her at the diner tomorrow morning. Then the boys spot Volchok at the end of pier kissing some girl who isn’t Marissa. This other girl probably isn’t even going to college!
And so Summer strolls into the diner only to find Seth waiting for her. She tells to him to beat it before her meeting, but Seth lets her know nobody from Brown will be in attendance. Meanwhile, Theresa and Ryan are busy reminiscing by the Cohens’ pool. Then Ryan asks Theresa to the prom. Also meanwhile, Volchok is having his second makeout session in two days, this time with Marissa. Then she asks him to prom.
Back at the diner, a pancake comes out for Summer. Chocolate chips on top spell out, “Prom?” By the end of this romantic flurry, Theresa and Volchok have agreed to attend prom with the Berkeleyites, while Summer quite flatly rejected Seth. Seth immediately calls Anna for counsel. Anna, feeling guilty about making Summer think Seth is wildcatting on her, advises Seth to tell Summer the truth. The complete truth. The complete truth about not getting into Brown. Seth mentions the whole marijuana run in, when he promised to Summer he’d never lie to her again. He certainly can’t get her back by admitting he lied again. Seth thinks it’s over.
At Harbor, Taylor hunts down Summer and hands her tickets for prom, which Summer promptly hands back. Taylor tells Summer she has to go because she was last year’s queen. And what’s more, Taylor has a date for her. Jung Nom, who is a cousin of Sung Ho, Taylor’s new Korean boyfriend. He’s a model and a big star in the K-pop scene. Besides, what better way to make Cohen miserable than taking a hot boy to prom? Summer agrees.
Ryan spots Marissa in the lounge. Prom talk ensues, and they learn that Theresa and Volchok will both be at the ball. After school, Seth is leaving a message for Summer when Anna shows up. In a lesser part of town, Ryan has dropped by Volchok’s loft for a little chat. Ryan wants to ask about the little filly he saw Volchok with last night, but Volchok claims he’s too cool to remember that far back. Then Marissa pops out from the bathroom and asks what Ryan is doing there. He was just…uh…letting her know Kirsten is having a pre-prom photo party tomorrow.
The next morning, Anna lays out her multi-phase plan for fixing things between Seth and Summer. Phase one, tell Summer nothing’s going on. If that fails, phase two involves Seth taking Anna to the prom. Over at Summer’s, Marissa is examining her dress while Summer dejectedly listens to some of Jung Nom’s K-pop. She doesn’t think it’s going to do the trick on Seth. And that’s when Anna drops in. Anna tries to tell Summer the whole story, but Summer cuts her short with boasts of Jung Nom. Oh, so then Summer won’t mind if Anna goes to prom with Seth then? No, why would she? In a pique after Anna leaves, Summer takes Seth’s extensive napkin confession from earlier and places it in an envelope intended for Sandy and Kirsten. Now they can read every single thing their sweet little boy has ever done wrong.
In the pool house before the dance, Seth explains Anna’s master plan to Ryan. Simply seeing Seth with another woman will drive Summer insane and make her realize a life without Seth is not a life worth living. Later, the entire group assembles at the Cohens. Ryan and Theresa, Marissa and Volchok, Seth and Anna, Taylor and Sung Ho, Summer and Jung Nom and assorted parents. Sandy hands Taylor $100 for Ryan and Seth’s share of the after party expenses, and she adds it to the significant wad already in her clutch. Volchok takes note of the cash. As the group heads outside for photos, Summer slyly drops the confession envelope on the desk in Sandy’s office.
Volchok is absent prior to a big group photo. Ryan goes inside to look for him, finding him just before he steals Taylor’s money. Not wanting to be nicked stealing cash before the dance, Volchok covers by pouring booze into his flask. Which is…less offensive, apparently. Ryan warns Volchok that if he ruins this night for Marissa, an ass kicking is in his future.
Prom time! Summer is already envious as Seth and Anna enjoy their time together. She asks Volchok for his flask to help ease the pain. Volchok, totally missing the buzz his flask should be providing, asks Marissa if she wants to smoke up. Marissa replies that she’d rather enjoy prom, but another dirty little girl at the dance definitely would like to smoke up, and offers to take Volchok somewhere private. As they walk out, Volchok hungrily eyes up that purse one more time. Talk about foreshadowing.
Elsewhere, the Cohens are having a nice, quiet dinner with Julie and Neil Roberts when the doctor gets up to take a call. It’s from somebody who knows Sandy and has some news for him
Back at the prom, Summer is still guzzling booze while couples slow dance. Seth wants to go talk to a drunken Summer, but Anna won’t let him. Her plan is working perfectly! Taylor gets onboard the pirate ship to announce the prom queen, and wouldn’t you know, it’s Summer again! She staggers to the stage to accept her tiara, then introduces Jung Nom to the crowd and kisses him in an attempt to drive Seth crazy. Then she accidentally plunges off the ship. But she’s okay, folks!
Marissa thinks this would be a good time to head to the after party, and suggests as much to Ryan. But she can’t find Smokechok. Ryan offers to hunt him down as Marissa attends to Summer. As Ryan roams the hallways, he finds Volchok making out with his new friend. Before he can say anything, Marissa comes up and sees the same thing. Volchok tells his new friend to beat it so he can handle Marissa. Marissa slaps him and Volchok decides this whole scene is beat, man.
As Kirsten and Julie clear the table after dinner, Kirsten confesses that she had a drink last week after a fight with Sandy. Julie advises Kirsten to tell Sandy, but she doesn’t want to use alcoholism as a bargaining chip. If Sandy can’t see on his own that they’re in trouble, what’s the point?
Over at the after party, kids are openly drinking and using bongs. It seems that Taylor thought bored, rich teens could be trusted to police themselves. Marissa, disgusted by Volchok’s behavior, treats herself to a drink. Or a whole bottle. Seth and Anna check up on Summer, who’s holding onto the Earth to prevent being flung off. Anna informs Seth it’s time to ratchet it up to phase three, which is where Seth tells Summer the entire truth. Anna slips out and Seth does indeed tell Summer he was rejected from Brown and lied to her about it so she would still go. Summer is touched by the sentiment. Then realizes she gave his confession note to his parents. Either that thought or the copious amount of booze makes Summer vomit. But at least they’re back in love.
Neil Roberts pulls Sandy aside to discuss the phone call he received earlier. It was a friend of his from the hospital who’s been hearing some whispers of impropriety between Dr. Griffin and Sandy. Come Monday morning, they’re going to suspend the development and launch a criminal investigation into both men. Sandy is stunned.
Marissa stands at the end of the pier staring out into the ocean and drinking tequila straight from the bottle. Dangerous combo. Inside, Taylor screams in terror. The money is missing from her purse. Officer Ryan Atwood is one of the first responders, and he has a prime suspect in mind. He heads straight to Volchok’s. Volchok invites Ryan in, closes the door and offers to settle this once and for all. But Ryan’s not interested. He just wants the money. Volchok goads Ryan by pointing out that he can get Marissa naked on his mattress whenever he wants and the battle is finally on. Volchok isn’t very mellow for a guy who smoked up earlier and starts throttling Ryan. Ryan turns the tables and starts punching Volchok until he’s laying motionless on the floor. And then it was over.