Man, I feel for ya, I got a similar result and fawk me dead, its the worst feeling. Just wanted to run away from home lmao, showed the results to mum, she was pretty upset, alot. Dad came in the room, he checked it, and fawk, got owned hard. (dumbest cunt in the whole family line = me now).so it was 57.30.
you know, i made jokes over people getting this type of score the whole year - but when it happens to yourself, it's so difficult to come to terms with it and why i deserved it. i was hardly the worst in the year, i was last in 1 subject; but i always was decent in my other subjects, never dead last or with the last exam mark in the class; usually i was average or just below average. but whatever. it's my fault anyway.
And yeh, it was my fault, I joked around in classes, even though I got high 70s and shat. Oh well, we can still go in Uni, but this memory will stay with me forever. I dont how a piece of paper or internet page stating a fawkin number describes someone or what type of person they are. Well I guess my attitude is alot different to the majority of the society and hence I got owned today.
Anyways yo, watch some Russell Peters or shit, lmao