I think with your experience you'd be better off at a better place (possibly higher paying) than maccas anyway.I am confused by Macca's. I recently applied to them all in my local area, got an email back from one asking if i was available for an interview, i booked it in online and prepared myself. My past experience involved retail for 3 years, Banking for 1 year and Bar work for 4 years so plenty of Custome Service, Team Work and Till interaction. In my opinion the interview was awesome, by far the best one i have had, went through all my past experience, he liked how i had plenty of customer experience and liked how i handled the 'fake customer' situation he gave me. We laughed and talked about what we done in our spare time and i went away from the interview really positive, however i got a rejection email saying that someone else was better suited for the job and i was kind of miffed to be honest, i did however read before my interview that a lot of places just hire the 16 year olds due the the big difference with pay and things and i put it down to being 19 nearly 20 that i didn't get it
Has anyone else had similar experiences with age?
But yeah, i worked at maccas a couple of years ago when i was 16 and it was my first job experience. A 20yr old guy with far more experience was after the job as well but i got it instead :/
Experience isn't a bigger for applying at maccas i don't think, the whole customer service thing knowing your way with the cash register handling money and serving food is quite easy to pick up in a few weeks.