i read this book like years ago, you people are all behind the times.
yeah its a pretty emotional story, the begining i felt was the most powerful because of the perspective of a girl who was a victim and is now dead.
I felt the helplessness because he basically got away with it and there wasnt much she could do to warn her family.
Her image of heaven... i didnt think was like a perfect world, it was really quite sad because its like this little girls view on what the world is like and her idea of heaven is just to live her life and do things that i have already done.
It brings a certain feeling to heart, like i would try and save someone younger than me even if it cost my own life because then they can experience things that i have allready.. it places a real value on life like live life to the fullest while you still can sort of thing.
mss_gtr said it made her cry like a woman, but i think that as a man i was more touched by this book. Thoughts and ideas that dont normally come to mind were shoved in my face and experiencing certain things from a young girls persective was interesting to say the least. Things that i took for granted, like being able to walk home from school safely every day well sometimes a girl doesnt get that luxury and its upsetting
a very good book, unexpectedly so ...infact i think i might go and re-read it