charlesdinio said:
Briefly define the types of crimes that can be committed against the individual
Homocide: Unlawfully ending a life. Different categories
Murder: Intentional homocide. Both mens reas and actus reus must be proven.
Involuntary manslaughter: not intended but the actions led to the crime
Voluntary manslaughter:intended to kill but had mitigating circumstances
Constructuve manslaughter:not inteded but was done in the action of committing another crime. eg. kate committs armed robbery and in hurry of fleeing accidently shoots a bank clerk.
Death by reckeless driving: self explanatory
Infanticide: Mother killing a child under 12 months. can be aquitted or have sentence reduced if post-natal depression led to the act.
Assault: the threat or actual violence, which harms a personl, physically or psychologically. Legal if: permitted eg. boxing game and in self defence.
Sexual assault: any form of sexual action that is abusive, harmful, or embarasing.
no longer called rape, but rape is charged with say 4 counts of sexual assault. statuatory rape is sexual contact with minors (u'16) even with their permission.