Re: Weird dreams....
I had a pretty weird dream last night.
It started off with me being in some building, and there are lots of people around. I look out the window and i see this massive explosion far away, all this smoke rising and an eventual mushroom cloud forms.
I tell everyone to "GET DOWN, NOW!" as the shockwave of the nuclear blast blows in the windows and smoke fills the room.
Then the dream changed. I'm near some beach with people from my high school and some other high schools (they were wearing their yr12 jerseys). One guy (from a different highschool) wanted to start a fight with a guy from my highschool (they were a few grades below me).
I walked past them to get to the beach, then all of a sudden a friend from uni asks me if i know how to skip (as in skip rope), i say yes, and that i can also do the criss-cross thing, she is impressed.
Then me and someone start swinging this big rope and different people have turns at jumping in it.
After a few people had their go, i finally go to the beach and sit down with a group of friends. They're all highschool friends who were in my grade, and among them was a friend of mine who died in a car crash about a month or so after we finished our hsc, he was visiting us.
Anyways we all sat down and had a chat for a while.
Then the dream changed again, and i got the 2 new versions of Pokemon (Heart Gold and Soul Silver), but in english

(currently they're both out, but in japanese), so i start playing through the game, and it turns out that i'm actually in the game, though it was different to the actual game.
/end last nights dream
It's weird though, i've had another dream a while ago where i met my who passed.
In that particular dream there was a Caringbah High class of 07 reunion (also at a beach), and i met up with my grade, and he came along too (just to visit). In the dream it was a happy/sad teary moment where we shook hands and embraced as friends.
We talked about what we had been up to. I told him im at UNSW studying engineering, then i asked him how he's been and what he's been doing.
Since the world hadn't ended yet, he wasn't quite in heaven (nor hell for that matter), but sort of in limbo, or some giant waiting room where people go.
He said he was going around doing errands for St. Nick, which i found quite interesting.
Then i asked him what it was like on the other side. He smiled and told me that St. Nick made him promise not to tell anyone.
Strange dreams eh.