No you're a moron becuase you're trying to debate economics with somebody who actually understands the subject.
*Welfare money is money spent in the economy, welfare money does more for the economy than money sitting in Costello's or Iemma's coffers. Now whats one of the first things we learn about money little waf? That all money is anonymous, that means the economy doesen't care who spends it or where they got it from, so long as it is spent on that bottle of milk, the milkman will have a job. This is especially true when currency itself is fiat. Construct the AE model, whats the difference between C+c(Y-T) and G, if the G spends the money of the T. How do you think the US government got itself out of the depression? Public spending (ie. Social Security, the TVA etc.). Now if we were on the gold standard or if the RBA pegged the AUD to a resource, you may have a better case - and I will admit even under our current currency system excess welfare is inefficient compared to labour earned wages. However also given the capacity constraints and popluation limits of our current economy, the short term cost of welfare will be outweighed by the long term benefit of having those 80000 workers. Also you're implying that all those women will stop working or had a job before pregnancy, which is fallacious.
An extra 80000 workers per year are worth more than the welfare money we'd have to pay to raise some of them.