There is a multitude of techniques that are applicable to this quote. Upon first glance, one can notice the repetition of
"You will not use me!" Repetition is typically done to place emphasis on aspects that a writer perceives as significant and allows the reader to know when to pay special attention to the language. This repetition is coupled with the use of epistrophe through the word
"me" in
"You will not use me!" and
"... that you should use me!" to heighten this emphasis. In focusing on those parts of the quote, one can also note the high modality, which is perhaps present to support said emphasis and to reduce any form of uncertainty with respect to the event in question.
Dramatic irony also appears to be present in this quote. This encompasses a situation where the reader or audience is made aware of information that a character(s) is not aware of, which may be done to build tension and/or suspense. In this case, John Proctor's helplessness in front of the court is showcased, although perhaps you could establish a better explanation for the implementation of this technique using your own and likely better understanding of The Crucible.
Additionally, other techniques that are applicable to this quote include:
- Juxtaposition
- Biblical allusion
I hope this helps!