Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush (5 Viewers)


May 6, 2004
you know whats fucking gay

using misc memes anywhere other than misc


Oct 22, 2011
he loves effylove

no one would go through that much effort

he is going to propose

and is already thinking of baby names

he asked if "jaroolo" is a good name for a...


what do u think?


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
All my life I've waited for the right moment to let you know, I don't wanna let you go, and now I've realised there's just no perfect time to confess how I feel. This much I know is real.
So, I refuse to waste one more second without knowing my heart.
Baby, 'cause I don't need anything else but your love; nothing but you means a thing to me; I'm incomplete.
When you're not there, holding me, touching me, I swear all of the rest could just disappear and I wouldn't even care, as long as you're there.
Take these words, don't let them go unheard. This is me reaching out. I hope you can hear me now. 'Cause baby my heart's at stake, take it, it's yours to break. I'd rather try and lose than keep this love from you.
Each day and night that I've kept this a secret, it killed me, it's time to let you know what I'm feeling because: I don't need anything else but your love; nothing but you means a thing to me; I'm incomplete.
When you're not there, holding me, touching me, I swear all of the rest could just disappear and I wouldn't even care, as long as you're there.
I can imagine myself walking in the sunset, holding hands and smiling. Hearing the crash of the waves as a gentle breeze flows through my body and hair. Walking miles and miles, while the moon rises high into the sky. The whole world is asleep, but I am the only one living a dream. The graceful peace, settling into my heart. For once I actually feel alive. This is what it should feel like. This is how you're supposed to live. A longing sense of comfort. And as we lay on the sand staring into the night sky, the stars become brighter and multiply. Soon enough, the dark sky is brightened by each star's shine. We close our eyes, hand in hand and lie in a moment of silence when all we can hear in the background is the calm waves alining upon the shore and the light night breeze. We make a wish and lie together in a few more moments, appreciating eachother for everything we are. We then both open our eyes to the diamond-like sky, staring for a brief moment as we then both turn to eachother, lying on our sides. I am looking into your eyes and you are looking into mine. I look at every inch of your body, then interlocking my eyes into yours once again. I inhale as you take a deep breath. I then begin to speak in a soft whisper. I tell you this is everything. You are all I've wanted. You were in all my dreams. You love me the way I wanted. You care for me like no one else has. I appreciate everything you've ever done for me, everything you've spent on me, everything you've said to me and everything you've felt for me. You are the only one I want. I am in love with you. Please keep me forever. Locked away in the eternity of time. You are different. You give me ideas. Thoughts, feelings, unlived visions of places I've never been or never knew existed, walking beside you in every one. It may be simple to state how I feel about you and say I love you a thousand times, but it is all too complex to fully give you the understanding of the meaning of the immense amount of love and appreciation I have for you. I tell you you're the one. You're everything anyone could ever ask for. I am thankful to have you in my life. I love you. I then pause and look into your eyes. You don't say anything. You can see the moon reflecting onto the calm ocean. A warm chilling feeling flows throughout my body as I watch you begin to slowly close your eyes and bring your body closer to me. Your face inching towards mine. As I close my eyes, I take one deep breath, tasting the chilled ocean air. I slowly bring myself closer to you, as you put your arms around me. I can feel your body heat and your soft hands touching my body. Our lips then touch. We kiss. Passionate, gentle, everlasting. This one kiss expresses all my thoughts, feelings, emotions and every little detail of every little existing idea, dream, form of all the words and feelings that I've developed for you. That moment, it was all unveiled. We lied there for minutes, sharing this dream we both created together. As we slowly move our faces away, I lay my head upon your shoulder and your arms around my body. The night had never seemed so bright and beautiful up until this day. It's like the world turned and everything completely changed. Everything was clear and I can actually breathe and feel each beat of my heart pound against my chest, as the blood slowly flows through my body. I can feel, hear, touch, taste, see, smell and understand everything, in what now feels like what is heaven. Lifelessly floating on a cloud, feeling fully alive. The feeling of being so unrealistically content and that a perfect life and person can exist is far beyond anything I could have ever perceived. You are my savior and meaning for existance. I thank you for everything you will do and being there, always. We lie, staring into the sky feeling the air get colder as the night becomes later. It doesn't bother me though. My body is filled with a warming sense of completion. Everything I'd dreamed of having is fulfilled, finally. I close my eyes and daydream once again of having and sharing this same exact moment with you. Soon enough the stars slowly fade away as the sky becomes lighter and the light of the sun pierces through the sky, slowly rising as time repeats itself once again. But this time is new. The feeling of being reborn into a life that you feel you've lived every single day. It feels so right. Life is beautiful with you. I appreciate things much more thoroughly. I love you. I always will.
Plagiarism is illegal.

Some Vunt

Aug 10, 2011
Your mum's place
The truth is: I love you, I've always loved you... I just thought... I thought- I thought that just maybe- No. I was certain that it would work out. You know? I thought we could go our separate ways, travel to different ends of the Earth and there would be... this... force. You know? This unstoppable, uncontrollable, impenetrable gravity that would bring us together.
I just thought that we would always end up together.
I love you... and I always will. :cry:

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