Re: Supplementary Texts
bored of sc said:
Can they really ask for three?
I cannot comment for individual schools, but in the HSC or independent/cssa trials: NO. 100% certain, they have never asked for this in the past. (And if they consider it later, then i and most likely your teachers as well, will hear about it and will pass this onto you, so don't fret now!)
Aplus said:
Have 3 supplementary texts. Although you could probably get through with 2, have an extra one in case the question/assessment does not suit your preferred text.
While i would normally support such a strategy that involves comprehensive research and would, as a result, foster deeper insights, for most students - particularly the standard students - this is both unreasonable and unhelpful.
The idea behind selecting your related texts (two should suffice) is that you understand their issues raised intimately and can use both or either to answer any question that may arise. It is quality not quantity in your analysis - yes i understand you are arguing from another angle, but to be honest learning three texts is an unnecessary strain for most students esp. those who may already struggle.
And for the stronger students - simply delving further into your two related texts would be much more helpful in the long run.
jellybelly59 said:
lol the guy from SCEGGS during the ETA study day said prepare four
Oh was it Tony Britten? He's an excellent speaker, and a great guy to boot.
Yes of course teachers will tell you to prepare more (i am one who advises the same initially). However, to be realistic, the extra insights you may glean from each text past the first two will have progressively less material significance - and so unless you are simply intensely interested with each of your supplementaries (as i was) it would be much better doing two texts.
Simply: you will not be disadvantaged doing only two texts, but you will not be disadvantaged either by doing more in the HSC