Bio isn't like the other sciences. It's much less sciency.
Does SLR even count towards an ATAR?
It's best to do as many units as possible in year 11 so then when you get to year 12 you can drop your worst subject rather than having to keep it if you had only done 12.
Don't so legal, it is shit apparently.
I still don't think I'll do bio cause there are a few others things that I really want to do but can't because otherwise I'd have to many units and subjects. I've got 13 at the moment and if I drop SLR and pick up history extension in year 12 like I'm planning to I'll have 13 again.
SLR doesn't count towards the ATAR cause it's only for year 11 but it's either I do that or 2 unit SOR (which I don't want to do). I really want to do SLR though because PE has almost no prac.
People at my school seem to think legal's pretty good and the teacher is my year coordinator so they seem pretty good. But really i don't know which I'm going to choose. This morning I would have said legal, right now I'm saying Drama. Tomorrow I'll probably change my mind again.