hmm I have a smallish binder for each of my prelim subjects atm except for photography cause all the theory gets kept at school anyway... for my hsc classes (ie, 4u english) I have a 2 ring binder for each topic we've done in english so far (and will have to buy another one when we start frontline)... for extension english I have two folders, one with sheets and notes relating to my 3 major texts and another with related material... for extension two I have a folder for my journal, with notes, thoughts, drafts (or lack thereof) and some of my research... it's not v well organised and I think I might have to get a bigger one... I don't bring any of them to school except for ext2 though, I use plastic A4 envelopes to take the things I need to school, plus have an art book for my drama journal... this system works for me, might not for everyone... I think as long as you have somewhere to put everything, organisation isn't *too* hard... I don't like lever-arch folders to take in every day, I go through about 6 a year, so I've given up on them