yeah advice line IS good...but i had a good eco teacher so I didn't have to ring the advice line for eco. I called for maths....and I got my teacher. Which I didn't mind...hahaha.
yeah, I think to study for eco it really isn't enough to read the textbook. You actually got to thin about it logically and link all the topics together to get a full big picture of things. Like, I related all the economic policies in topic 4 to all the eco issues in topic 3 and I also related globalisation and stuff to this......and everything just relates to everything. It's so interesting!!! I love eco...hahaha.
And one tip for eco essays...chuck in a few good stats here and there...and use theories and laws to explain what you're trying to say (eg twins deficit argument, phillips curve etc). Just know twhat they're about and know how to apply them in your don't need to explain it all in detail. The marker knows what the theory is about......
yeah I just did lots of practice short answers and essays and got my teacher to mark them before HSC...i guess it worked well.