Favourable performance in English Advanced will require a thorough understanding of your prescribed text(s) for each module as this will enable you to make relevant connections (through elements such as quotes as well as themes raised in each text for instance) between your texts and questions requiring long responses. It is therefore important to ensure that you have a good understanding of each of your texts and, if needed, seek clarification regarding any aspects that you may not fully understand.
Additionally, you should emphasise your knowledge and ability to apply a range of literary and visual techniques as those will likely be incorporated into your written responses alongside relevant quotes in order to assist you in presenting your main points and ultimately develop a good quality response. Once both of these elements are addressed, you should seek feedback on your written responses and implement any suggestions that you may be given, so as to continually improve the quality of your writing.
In terms of Mathematics Advanced, it is important to regularly complete practice material in addition to ensuring that you understand the concepts well. Having a good understanding of each topic is of course essential, but you also need to ensure that you are able to apply your understanding to the various types of questions that you may be exposed to, which calls for the need to complete as much practice material (including textbook questions and past exam papers) as possible on a regular basis so that you familiarise yourself with different patterns and methods required to solve different questions to a large extent. The more you do this, the more likely you are to identify areas of improvement, giving you the opportunity to seek clarification with any concepts that you may not be fully confident with (which is something that you should do as soon as possible, if applicable).
It is definitely understandable that you may not be able to approach content memorisation in a more traditional way. The good news is, you can definitely still memorise content. You just need to determine a method that suits your specific needs, i.e. one that you feel you are comfortable with. An example that you may wish to consider is trying to create some sort of element that will allow for the creation or a pattern that you can easily retain. If you do this, you will be, in a way, memorising a particular pattern directly, but you will also be memorising the actual content (and recalling it more easily), allowing you to achieve your study goals. This could be anything from highlighting important words to rearranging your notes in an optimal order.
It is also important to note that a 95+ ATAR is not easy to achieve, meaning that, in addition to the above, you must stay determined and diligent in your approach to each of your subjects and throughout your HSC journey as a whole. Best of luck!
I hope this helps!