Stem cell research and genetic engineering, in relation to prolonging life, is accepted under this definition as it is included under "fruitfully benefiting from what God has given us". Just like any other medicine. however, it is when stem cell research involves 'embryonic stem cells' (if an embryo is classed as living) rather than adult stem cells from, say, the bone marrow or Genetic engineering results in the creation or destruction of a life that these is forbidden.
And i'm not insisting that every time conception occurs that God goes in and says yay or nay as to allow it to life. Far from it. What i guess i mean by "God creating life" is "God creating the conditions from which life can flourish". Scientists dont have to be non-religious. For example, i agree whole heartedly with the concept of evolution, thus discountng the adam and eve story, however, i do believe that there was some external influence (in my belief, by God) that guided the conditions for life to flourish and spread, kicking off the whole process.
You may not agree, and i have nothing against that. Religion does not have to be the 'natural enemy' of science. As Einstein once said:
"Science without Religion is lame, Religion without science is blind."
Combining both religion and science, to me, is the best solution.