I mean, the friendship clearly didnt work for us seeing as i found out he cheated/left me for a friend of his i never trusted from the start - at a very bad time for me, and in a awful situation.ur_inner_child said:That red bit, that's pretty much it. I haven't ended my relationship but I think friendship is whats holding mine together for the moment, and I'm just shit scared.
How are you now? It's been more than a year.
I'd really like to know.
But, saying that... I wish that it'd happened sooner. I am the happiest I've ever been in my life (and the new/amazing boyfriend/old friend definitely helps with that... now I know what a real/good relationship is what to be)
Getting together so young (and i'm assuming you're in a similar situation) - I hadn't experienced any other relationships and didnt know what a "good one" consisted of. We stayed together because we were "compatible". I say it as "compatible" because it wasnt exactly the case. We were similar age, didnt hate each other, got along most of the time - and for the better part, enjoyed each others company (although thinking about it now makes me cringe)
ie) We never saw a reason to break up.
So many many many many times, I argued that I didnt feel like a "girlfriend".. just someone who was always around, and comfortable. Its SCARY.. especially never really being single before, and always sort of having that support around.
If you've got doubts, i'd go with your gut. I mean, it was some of the worst couple of month's I've had to go through - but it is in reality the best thing thats ever happened to me
Edit: Hahah oh goodness, I was a little naive and hopeful wasn't I. God bless me.
Looking back on it, he just wanted his cake, and eat it too (well, i think he just wanted a few peices of cake)
Having said that, i still think a friendship could work (and i will always keep in contact with my current b/f - but we're a very different situation.
Let me know how things go...
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