omg chamelia is a genius, gaiz post WHY it means something! The meaning behind Grace for you is amazing.
I miss you - incubus
Alex and I were listening to it and he was like "I love this song, its so underrated" and I was like "Yeah, me too." Then when I left coffs harbour

I gave Alex a note and all it said was (lyrics) "But I need you to know, that I care. And I miss you." And he messaged me with lyrics from it saying "to know that you feel the same as I do. Is a three fold utopian dream."

stop the music - p-money and scribe
My best friend/sorta first boyfriend type thing, we listened to this and both loved it so we decided it would be "our song". Its about keeping going regardless of the obstacles. Which we had our fair share of..
"And i refuse to lose no
Ive never been the type to quit
you'd probably give up now and just turn back around
but thats one our many differences because
i dont care what the distance is
i told you id take it all the way
i couldnt just walk away and just pretend like i dont have more to say."
Also has significance cause he had to move to UK.
special ones - george
this song is about not letting the idiots in and protecting your heart. I listened to it a lot this year when I found who my real friends were. "Instead of trying to open my heart, I'm gonna lock it with a key. So that only the special ones will ever get through to me."
angels - within temptation
Listened to this when I was totally ripped off by someone who was a very good friend for 3 years, found out they'd been lying to me the entire time. "You took my heart, deceived me right from the start"
your guardian angel - red jumpsuit apparatus
most recent ex and my song. "I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven."
put up a fight - my awesome compilation
Lol ex before that one and my song and also still link it to him cause he currently suffers from anorexia pretty severely. Not my fault. "Put up a fight, I believe in you."
I forgot a couple earlier,
Hallelujah (jeff buckley)/May angels lead you in (jimmy eat world)/+more
pretty much one of the most life altering experiences I've had yet. I did work exeperience and met Emily who was 5 and dying of a brain tumour.. The week I was there was kinda the start of the downhill spiral and seeing her and her parents going through that but still smiling and keep their heads up was so incredible. Really opened my eyes to whats important.
Body in a box (city and colour)/dream a little dream of me (ella fitzgerald)/a littles enough (angels and airwaves)
the main songs I listened to while writing my extension2 english major work about my grandparents when they lived in papua new guinea. My grandfather died when I was two. It was one of those heart and soul projects. I gave it to my grandmother for christmas and she cried lol.
far out, hel-lo most personal post from me.