hi....like u I really burned out at the end of year 11--resulted in poor results...but in year 12 i burnt out after trials...which wasnt for long as i got busy again studying for HSC...i wud suggest the following:
--a cry really helps....all stress/tension comes out
--watch a comedy program (well i did only once around trials time...lolz)
--play sport (dont be like me...in one whole year I played tennis ONLY ONCE...may be if u like cricket....hitting strokes hard enuf can release your tension)
--keep a daily diary of your work
--go to movies....i never went but i realised after HSC...how much it makes u feel better...like that LOUD surround sound!
--find a teacher or a few teachers who listen to you and tell them how stressed you are....it really helps as teachers mostly tell u positively that u'd do well...since u are workin hard
--dont listen to people who keep saying...'its so hard'....well we all know its tough but those people would make u psychlogically believe its hard....
--never say 'I hate (for example) chemistry'.....as if u say the word 'hate' u are convincing urself that u really suck at that particular subject...i nevr said that i hated something...so yeah dont have a negative attitude at something...
--work every day!!
--stick a year planner infront of your desk and write all the assessments coming up / due dates....
--start in a day or two after receiving an assessment task details...
--make sure...ur printer/ other computer accessories are working!
--sleep well....i never did though....but yeah i think it makes whole lot of a difference...i realised this before trials...i got too sick and when i slept whenever i felt i was sick made me feel alot better!
--i went to the counsellor only once...but i didnt feel comfortable so after that i only went to the welfare head-she's v nice. go to some 1 u think is appropriate...cos whoever u confide in will be LIKE a counseller for u.....
and GOOD LUCK with ur HSC
Hope this helps!