skilled performance, learning - all that stuff (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
Does anyone have all this stuff down pat? This is the only part of the CORE 2 i just DONT GET. Can someone run me through (briefly) skilled v unskilled, learning a new skill, all that sorta stuff? PLEEEEASE. I can return favour in any other area of core 2, core 1, or sports med.


Nov 5, 2004
Mount Druitt
The Characteristics of a Skilled Performer

Mental approach
Kinesthetic sense

learning a new skill, all that sorta stuff?
There is a whole section on skill acquisition!

Rates of Skill Acquisition is pretty simple. It is just about understanding how different learners and different skills that have to bea learnt will take a diferent amount of time. You need to kno about the four learning curves and just uderstand that the learning curve experienced wil be affected by the learner and what they are learning (easy skill, hard skill, sub-skill, whole-skill) and will affect their confidence and motovation.

The Learning Environment encompasses the physical environment, the nature of the skills, the practise method and feedback. I'm not going to go through all my notes, but you just have to understand the different characteristics of the learning environment and determine which is best for different types of skills (easy/difficult) and types of learners (cognitive/associative/autonomous). Each characteristic of each area of the learning environment is usually in a pair. For example, Open or closed environment; massed or distributed practise, whole or part, internal or external feedback, concurrent or delayed etc.. One you have gone through your notes/the textbook and look closely at what each means you will find it easier to differentiate between what needs to be modified to the learning environment for different types of skills and learners. For example, if you are learning a difficult or complex skill distributed practise would be preferred over massed practise. If you are a learner in the cognitive stage, it would be better to have a closed and predicatable physical environment, rather than an open and unpredicatable one.

lol, I hope that made some sense, I think I rambled a bit much.

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