As is like how can I be more descriptive, instead of saying "the wave of heat blasted into me as I trembled in the hot sand"-like what about descriptions could I use for "hot sand" or how could I describe it more, or how can I describe the wave of heat blasting into me, like would I need to use similies such as, the sand as hot as _______
If I were to use a symbolism of piranhas being the wave of heat biting into your skin how would I do that?
try think of your own experiences when you are writing things. yes, you might not have experienced something like the apocalypse before, but try and think of a first hand example of the emotion the character is feeling at that time and think of something that is similar to that - an image for a simile or metaphor. here's a sort of thought process i would go though
e.g if someone is in a rocket flying to the moon (i havent done this before dw, not first hand experience

1. how does this person feel??
- i think they would feel nervous, excited and determined
2. where have i felt that before?
- i've been nervous before exams
- ive been excited before going to a concert
- ive been determined when entering film competitions
2. what sort of feelings did i have in those contexts?
- really tense, my stomach did not sit still, sorta shaky, could not concentrate on a thought for very long, thoughts about failure
- thoughts about how great it would be very soon in time, really energetic and speaking loud
- lots of concentration, plans, schedules and time management, very discplined
(note some of these feelings contradict each other, that's okay, pick and choose the ones that work)
3. find images that work in the context, and work with the feelings, and mix and match senses. describe a thing you taste using sound, describe a thing you see with hearing. think to yourself, how would this sound like if you could hear it?? i remember describing a woman once like "the spicy red lips and tight bun"
- a tense elastic band thats about to fly
- a dog that met a whole bunch of people
- a tree that is planted in the shade and bends towards the light to grow
- images of operation manuals (shows the planning and knowledge of the pilot, determination to fly)
- something about the chair that he wanted to jump out of into the air because he's so excited to finally FLY!
this bit is the hardest, so dw it takes a while to get stuff right, and the stuff i wrote down is pretty bad because its very rashly written. my favourite is to look at paint colour names and see what they could describe, and thesauruses are the best. '
try that out. maybe if it works in your story, make a motif? motif of black holes/space imagery could be really cool for this example!
now for your example see what you can do.