Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down? (3 Viewers)


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
As witty as you all may be, you know what i meant and i think that for the purposes of intelligent discussion you should at least address my point. Why do you believe that there is such definitive proof for the non-existance of God?


condom endorser
Nov 20, 2006
psuedo-radical land
I'm not religious, but schools are not contributing to the division cultures/religions but being 'x catholic school' or 'st y Anglican school' or whatever, the individuals that attend these schools, no matter what ARE exposed to numerous cultures and individuals on the train, in media, or even shopping.

Like I went to a catholic school, private Anglican school, and a school which holds no religion near to its heart. Like if there was a Muslim school to be opened up its understandable, because they've got their prayers, their attire, they wash themselves before their daily prayers as well. Like in a normal school do you think that they would be able to adhere to their religious values? Timetables clashing? Mockery from the other students about their head gown or wtv?

It’s common when a person is isolated from everything, and only knows that their culture is right, like how many people comment negatively to another disconnected culture other than their own? Ethnocentrism nothing new love.

Personally I think that cultural barriers will always exist in society, people that have migrated n shit may not be able to adapt as fast or at all, compared to a youngen. That’s why there is suburbs usually populated by a certain race/ethnicity.

It’s safe to say that private religious schools are NOT encouraging segregation, as there are heaps of factors that contribute to the barriers between cultures.

PRIVATE RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS are here to accommodate individuals certain needs, like prayer/who they worship/clothes, they are NOT, I REPEAT, NOT encouraging segregation

lol my view


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
google earth reveals all..!!!
It doesnt matter what people believe, if youre athiest and you think God is a crock of shit so be it. If youre a Unitarian, and you believe in the Chrstian God and not just the trinity who really cares?? What people choose to do and worship in their own private spheres in their choice.

I live in the Hills District which IS (no joke) the Bible belt of Australia we have more christians and churches here than you could poke a stick at. So when i read that people in uni are being abused for being athiest I totally understand where youre coming from. Bible/Koran/Torah bashing is not pleasant.

My Dad is Buddhist, I am deicidedly agnostic and my mum is anglican but no one really cares. Religion is an ideology. No one can nor does anyone have the right to say what is or isnt the truth.

It is when the lines of public and private spheres of life are blurred that you get problems. Religion is fine so long as an individuals beliefs stop at the tip of their nose and everyone is able to at least acknowledge differences in faith

Dec 10, 2006
Sarah160 said:
As witty as you all may be, you know what i meant and i think that for the purposes of intelligent discussion you should at least address my point. Why do you believe that there is such definitive proof for the non-existance of God?
Why do I think there's such 'definitive proof'? Well probably because none does exist :p Anyway, I think there's about as much proof for your conception of God as there is for the Easter Bunny etc so that's about good enough for me to reject it.

michikochan said:
No one can nor does anyone have the right to say what is or isnt the truth.
I think I'd prefer EVERYONE to have the right to declare what they believe to be truth.


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
Captain Gh3y said:
I think the first principle of schools should be 'do no harm'. Most would agree.

So is telling children (under 7 particularly) something that any reasonable person realises is false, is the absolute truth of the world? I think so.
Ya know a lot of christians, aren't fundamentalists? Most dont acctually believe that everything in the bible is true. It's meant to be taken figuratively. I'm not saying i like christianity, I go to a Catholic school, and i can say that rather apart from brainwashing me, and limiting my 'exposure' to other cultures, all its really taught me about religion is how they are all basically the same. Each one has adherants to it, because it answers 'the big questions' about reality, such as why we are here, whats our purpose e.t.c. I do SOR 2, which teaches us about hinduism, islam, and christianity, the three largest religions in the world today. But meh, beleive what you want.
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New Member
Sep 17, 2007
My point wasn't that i have definitive proof that God exists, it was just that you guys can't say with definate assurance that there is no God. It was basically just to put forward the point that if you present your children with only one worldview, including telling them that there is no God, then they aren't provided with the broadest scope of ideas, and i'm just saying that that isn't limited soley to Christianity.

As much as you can say that Christians discriminate against Athiests or people of different religious background, how about the way Christians are discriminated against? and i know this first hand, coming from a family of non-christians it really is quite hard for Christians in society to be accepted, as a number of people have proved in this thread.

i think that religious schools provide people with a place to learn in an environment that encourages their faith, and i think that they play important roles in a number of peoples lives.


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
google earth reveals all..!!!
youBROKEmyLIFE said:
I think I'd prefer EVERYONE to have the right to declare what they believe to be truth.
provided it doesnt offend others. Assertive and aggressive are two very different things, and as sarah pointed out, being so norrow mindedly athiest is just as ignorant as following an "untruth". The point of this thread was to discuss segregation that occurs due to intollerance in a community. Not respecting another's faith is just as intollerant.


Feb 11, 2008
my own world
i go to a christian school and as much as people who go public schools dont like private schools, we are no better or wrse than any of you guys, we still get the same marks in the HSC. its not what school you go to that matters, its how hard you work.
Dec 10, 2006
michikochan said:
provided it doesnt offend others. Assertive and aggressive are two very different things, and as sarah pointed out, being so norrow mindedly athiest is just as ignorant as following an "untruth". The point of this thread was to discuss segregation that occurs due to intollerance in a community. Not respecting another's faith is just as intollerant.
Yea but I think you can respect someone's faith while still thinking they are utterly and completely wrong perhaps even to the point where you could question whether they apply their critical faculties equally to their faith as they do to other aspects of their life.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
There is really no evidence to suggest a God does exist IMO, however, there is evidence to suggest that a God does not exist as portrayed by the Bible.


dolbinau said:
There is really no evidence to suggest a God does exist IMO, however, there is evidence to suggest that a God does not exist as portrayed by the Bible.
Im sorry but i have to diagree with you there.
You say that there is evidence suggesting that God does not exist and an example of this evidence is the bible?
Either you're completely ignorant or just simply misunderstand.
Correct me if i'm worng but Genesis chapter 1 states "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
Now to me that suggests that there is a God according to the bible.:hammer: .
So where do you get this idea that the bible portrays that "God does not exist"?
I'd really like to discuss this with you further.

Earlier posts have suggested that people have had bad experiences with christianity and hence the arguement against it.
I agree with you yes, there is a lot of Christians out there who's attitudes and behaviour do not reflect what Christianity is all about.
But i don't think that it is right to stereotype and place all christians in this category.

This forum is about "religious schools" so why is everyone discussing only Christianity?
Why not Muslim or Jewish schools? (both have been touched on yes, but not in the depth that christianity has been).
I would very much like to discuss this issue in greater depth with any person willing. :uhhuh:.

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Zrap said:
Who was there before the big bang?
Who was there at the very start of the entire universe?
That's why death is a whole new adventures d00ds.
Death is like what you were doing in the time of the dinosaurs or william the conqueror :D

michikochan said:
It doesnt matter what people believe, if youre athiest and you think God is a crock of shit so be it. If youre a Unitarian, and you believe in the Chrstian God and not just the trinity who really cares?? What people choose to do and worship in their own private spheres in their choice.
Agreed, but that's not what the thread is about.

Nowotny said:
Ya know a lot of christians, aren't fundamentalists? Most dont acctually believe that everything in the bible is true. It's meant to be taken figuratively.
How can you tell? The Bible didn't come with a guide to interpret it. It's just people choosing what they like, that's why there's thousands of denominations. So how do you know Genesis or Exodus are figurative but Mark and Luke are literal? It could be the other way around, you'd be in trouble then :D

Charity F said:
Isn't this a Christian country?
No, it most certainly is not :D
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Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
You say that there is evidence suggesting that God does not exist and an example of this evidence is the bible?
Either you're completely ignorant or just simply misunderstand.
Correct me if i'm worng but Genesis chapter 1 states "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
Now to me that suggests that there is a God according to the bible. .
So where do you get this idea that the bible portrays that "God does not exist"?
I'd really like to discuss this with you further.
Yes, you have misinterpreted me. I'm saying that there is evidence to suggest god does not exist as he is portrayed by the Bible. i.e In the Bible the creation story is flawed (e.g God creating light before he created the Sun, or the moon being described as a light source when it clearly is not), similarly the bible, chronologically (and taught many years ago) has thought the world is only about 20,000 years ago - which is very false. Not to mention the bible standard of creationism, rather than by 'evolution' from which Humans came to be the way we are today.

Of course the Bible isn't going to say God does not exist :p; Infact, besides the Bible telling us so, I don't really see how anyone can give evidence to suggest he does.

How can you tell? The Bible didn't come with a guide to interpret it. It's just people choosing what they like, that's why there's thousands of denominations. So how do you know Genesis or Exodus are figurative but Mark and Luke are literal? It could be the other way around, you'd be in trouble then
I personally believe people see the Bible as metaphoric, today, because it simply does not conform with our social standards (old testament) or scientific views. Hundreds of years ago the Bible would have been taken literally, word for word.


dolbinau said:
Yes, you have misinterpreted me. I'm saying that there is evidence to suggest god does not exist as he is portrayed by the Bible. i.e In the Bible the creation story is flawed (e.g God creating light before he created the Sun, or the moon being described as a light source when it clearly is not), similarly the bible, chronologically (and taught many years ago) has thought the world is only about 20,000 years ago - which is very false. Not to mention the bible standard of creationism, rather than by 'evolution' from which Humans came to be the way we are today.

Of course the Bible isn't going to say God does not exist :p; Infact, besides the Bible telling us so, I don't really see how anyone can give evidence to suggest he does.
My apologies, it has indeed been a long day.
I do not know the answers to your statements, nor do i have the time at this present moment. But what i can come up with is this....

I believe there are only only two widely accepted reasons for creation:
  • The Bible’s creation account.
  • The Theory of Evolution.
My beliefs are based around the idea that everything in this world has a creator. For example if I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not assume that it just “appeared” out of nowhere or that it had always existed. Based on the watch’s design, I would assume it had a designer. But I see far greater design and precision in the world around us. Our measurement of time is not based on wristwatches, but on God’s handiwork—the regular rotation of the earth. The universe displays great design, and this argues for a Great Designer.
My understanding of evolution is a tad less than i would like it to be.
But i myself do not believe that humans could evolve from animals.
That is just my personal opinion.
Though, i do know that no scientific, provable evidence supporting the theory of evolution has emerged since Charles Darwin popularized it in 1859.
So i see no alternative.

I think you may find this website helpful as i dont have the time to write out a full blown answer for you.

I apologise in advance if some of this does not make sense.
I am completely open to correction.

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
dolbinau said:
I personally believe people see the Bible as metaphoric, today, because it simply does not conform with our social standards (old testament) or scientific views. Hundreds of years ago the Bible would have been taken literally, word for word.
PROTIP: this implies it's man made :D

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
benmyatt said:
My apologies, it has indeed been a long day.
I do not know the answers to your statements, nor do i have the time at this present moment. But what i can come up with is this....

I believe there are only only two widely accepted reasons for creation:
  • The Bible’s creation account.
  • The Theory of Evolution.
My beliefs are based around the idea that everything in this world has a creator. For example if I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not assume that it just “appeared” out of nowhere or that it had always existed. Based on the watch’s design, I would assume it had a designer. But I see far greater design and precision in the world around us. Our measurement of time is not based on wristwatches, but on God’s handiwork—the regular rotation of the earth. The universe displays great design, and this argues for a Great Designer.
My understanding of evolution is a tad less than i would like it to be.
But i myself do not believe that humans could evolve from animals.
That is just my personal opinion.
Though, i do know that no scientific, provable evidence supporting the theory of evolution has emerged since Charles Darwin popularized it in 1859.
So i see no alternative.

I think you may find this website helpful as i dont have the time to write out a full blown answer for you.

I apologise in advance if some of this does not make sense.
I am completely open to correction.
you'll love this youtube vid

Description: The deconstruction of the broken watch straw man argument used by creationist / ID supporters to attack evolution.
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But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
I went to a private Catholic school.

We were smarter than the other schools. We were just better.

Too bad about the religion thing, but shit happens right?


Haha very good very good.
Maybe not the bst example then?
But still i don't believe in the theory of evolution.
I wont lie and say that i have the answer, because i don't.
Very good arguement though.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
But still i don't believe in the theory of evolution.
It's not really case of belief or not, because unlike Religion Science is based on facts :).; Probably the simplest case of Evolution (That we are also taught in Biology, rofl) regards the evolution of Bacteria (through natural selection) as it becomes resistant to anti-biotics - this is not a belief, but observed and 'proven'.

PROTIP: this implies it's man made
So what, God made it? It's interesting that such a 'loving' god would then tell us to:

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Kill Witches
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

Kill Homosexuals
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Kill Fortunetellers
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

Death for Hitting Dad
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

Or even kill a "Rape Victim"

Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)

If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife.

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