Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past papers? (1 Viewer)

Feb 4, 2016
I have had a really harsh time in year 12. No matter what approach I take to studying my grades are just a complete fail.

I have taken the approach of making my own notes and I still failed.
I have taken the approach of using my teacher's notes and I still failed.
I have taken the approach of copying the whole textbook and understanding the concepts and doing past papers and I still failed.

Am I failing because of the combination I am taking or the number of hours I am studying is wrong?

For maths test, I understand all the concepts and are able to get all the questions I do correct but I always don't get enough time to finish one or two questions and that drags my mark down.

For biology, I just can't get full marks for the questions I do.

For chemistry, I can do all the calculations but I just always get like a 0 or 3/5 for my content understanding

For English, I just always get that 16/20 and can never get to an A range despite getting full marks in my preliminary course.

So for all you geniuses out there how do you study smart? and what are some exam techniques or time management skills you have?
How many hours of study is suitable for each day?

Please help!

Thank you


The pessimistic optimist.
Jul 11, 2012
l'appel du vide
Uni Grad
Re: Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past pap

Have you been handing in your practice questions for the teacher to mark?


Premium Member
May 31, 2015
Re: Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past pap

I have had a really harsh time in year 12. No matter what approach I take to studying my grades are just a complete fail.

I have taken the approach of making my own notes and I still failed.
I have taken the approach of using my teacher's notes and I still failed.
I have taken the approach of copying the whole textbook and understanding the concepts and doing past papers and I still failed.

Am I failing because of the combination I am taking or the number of hours I am studying is wrong?

Number of hours of studying is completely irrelevant it's about the quality of your study. You could study for 5 hours and beat someone who studies for 30 hours if you have listened in class or your 5 hours is much more effective.

For maths test, I understand all the concepts and are able to get all the questions I do correct but I always don't get enough time to finish one or two questions and that drags my mark down.

For this, even my teacher stresses this a lot, make sure you practise under timed conditions! Every 3 unit lesson we do q11 or q1 for a HSC paper within 12-15 minutes and learn from our mistakes and so far we've done 2016 up to 1996. From the results almost everyone in my class gets like 11/12 or more in q1 while when we started it was like more people getting 11/15 etc, so it definitely helps.

Personally I don't do questions under timed conditions because I always get distracted but I guess I like the pressure in the exam because if I solve a question it gives me motivation which carries on so I hopefully finish in time, but definitely TIMED CONDITIONED PRACTICE is important.

For biology, I just can't get full marks for the questions I do.

This is normal, but like golf, you have to practice your swing as my bio teacher says. By the swing you must hand in questions to your teacher and get feedback and learn from your mistakes to improve future answers. Make sure in exams you use this scaffold my teacher said:
- Read the question a few times so you don't miss anything
- Highlight key verbs (think of what they mean) and key terms of the question
- Plan the answer if it's worth enough marks, usually 4+
- Write the answer
This is the general structure for approaching questions but of course an understanding of the concepts is important.

For chemistry, I can do all the calculations but I just always get like a 0 or 3/5 for my content understanding

I don't do chemistry but judging from what you said you need to ask your teacher for help with concepts or get a tutor, as well as watching youtube videos. There's heaps of videos and guides for each dot point just spend time researching and it'll pay off.

For English, I just always get that 16/20 and can never get to an A range despite getting full marks in my preliminary course.

For sure I think they mark harder in year 12 than year 11 (based on my school) but wait till trials if you have an external marker and it'll give
a good estimate of what your HSC mark could be. Take on teacher's feedback and submit drafts if they let you.

So for all you geniuses out there how do you study smart? and what are some exam techniques or time management skills you have?
How many hours of study is suitable for each day?

Exam techniques - planning answers is helpful. One thing I really recommend is SUBHEADINGS, DOT POINTS, TABLES, DIAGRAMS, UNDERLINING, CAPS LOCK. These things can make key terms or important points stand out that could be missed because the marker is skimming your work since they have to mark heaps of papers.

Time management I don't really have much because I have bad time management myself but I just combat it by sleeping really late to finish homework. I've heard pomodoro technique works so research that.

Once again hours of study isn't relevant, just do quality study instead.

Please help!

Thank you
Answers in the quote in bold hope it helped
Feb 4, 2016
Re: Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past pap

Thank You So Much!
Feb 4, 2016
Re: Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past pap

and yeah I haven't asked my teacher for feedback before XD
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 6, 2016
Re: Should I use teacher's notes, make my own notes, rely on the textbook or past pap

Hi there! Same story, been failing all the way XD and then crying about it.

But, I've got a lot of friends who consistently get good marks. They are the ones who have finished their notes at least 3 weeks before the test. They do alot of practice papers leading up to the test, and focus on structuring their answer rather than memorising notes.

Maths: Timed conditions

English: Looks at sample essays from past students at your school or online, and try to copy thier writing style (not the work!). Top band essays generally have really sophisticated language. Also, always address the question in the first sentence of every paragaph (unless it's a linking paragraph).

Biology: Don't just do the past papers, look at sample answers. I find wih bio, sometimes I read the question wrong or don't link to it at the end of my answer. Other time, they ask for one thing, but expect you to write 3 other things -.- Only way is to know is practice papers and logic.

Chemistry: Can't help you there. I dropped it ages ago!

Therefore, just gotta practice rather than write notes :) Hope you get better marks next time!

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