Hey, so I'm in year 11 at the moment and I don't think it's long until we have to chose our subjects for year 12. I'm pretty happy with most of the subjects I'm doing now and don't think I'm going to change them too much. At the moment I'm doing:
So yeah that's what I think of my subs. I'm probably going to drop extension English because I hate it but otherwise I think I'm going to keep them the same.
So what I'm really thinking is maybe doing History Extension. I'm not really sure about it but I really like modern and I'm pretty sure I'm either getting my teacher or the other modern teacher or both so the teacher shouldn't be a problem. I'm not dropping extension english because of the morning and afternoons or because of the workload it's just because I'm finding it boring as hell so it's not that I'm struggling to cope with an extension subject's workload. At the moment I'm not positive but I think I might be coming 7th out of about 45 people and seeing as I didn't put in as much effort as I probably could have at the time I think I can probably get better than that. So what does everyone think about doing history extension? Basically I really like history but I'm not really thinking of doing something to do with history after school (PE teaching, Police and journalism are my main ideas right now). I don't mind going to morning and afternoon classes seeing as I'm doing that already and except for drama I'm not really doing any subjects with major projects or extreme/hard amounts of work (like extension maths or physics or anything like that).
(PS: Sorry, I know this doesn't make too much sense, I'm kind of in a hurry because I have to do my PE assignment)
- Advanced English (it's alright I guess, sick of analysing texts by now but anyway)
- General Mathematics (I dropped down from 2 Unit a couple of weeks ago so I can't really say much about it)
- Drama (best subject ever! I can't believe I nearly didn't pick it because it is epic! I'm thinking of doing a design project for my IP)
- PDHPE (pretty good but I'm aiming pretty high for this so I think I need to put in a bit more work)
- Modern History (probably my second fav subject and my teacher is amazing! Not the biggest fan of Indochina though)
- Studies of Religion: 1 Unit (yeah it's alright I guess and I have to do religion anyway)
- Extension English (ugh! I'm sick of it and am pretty sure I'm going to drop it for year 12. Finding these theories extremely boring and pointless)
So yeah that's what I think of my subs. I'm probably going to drop extension English because I hate it but otherwise I think I'm going to keep them the same.
So what I'm really thinking is maybe doing History Extension. I'm not really sure about it but I really like modern and I'm pretty sure I'm either getting my teacher or the other modern teacher or both so the teacher shouldn't be a problem. I'm not dropping extension english because of the morning and afternoons or because of the workload it's just because I'm finding it boring as hell so it's not that I'm struggling to cope with an extension subject's workload. At the moment I'm not positive but I think I might be coming 7th out of about 45 people and seeing as I didn't put in as much effort as I probably could have at the time I think I can probably get better than that. So what does everyone think about doing history extension? Basically I really like history but I'm not really thinking of doing something to do with history after school (PE teaching, Police and journalism are my main ideas right now). I don't mind going to morning and afternoon classes seeing as I'm doing that already and except for drama I'm not really doing any subjects with major projects or extreme/hard amounts of work (like extension maths or physics or anything like that).
(PS: Sorry, I know this doesn't make too much sense, I'm kind of in a hurry because I have to do my PE assignment)