Richie27 said:
BTW the only action u get is if the 2 guyz above toss u off if they thought u had a dick but yeh did i reveal ur secret im sorry i swear i wont tell any1!:wave: but wait heres a tip u myt not of learnt in english plz learn how too spell or 4 fuk sakes turn spell check on so u dont look like a complete tool!... dont kno wot im talkin bout here let me show u "itnernet, nuances, and wtf!

is ofr" yeh plz explain
Let's see here ...
You enter the forums thinking you know everything.
You then try to force your opinions on to everyone.
You think you're better than everyone for the simple fact that you are you.
Looking at linoleum makes you think of sex.
You think internet spek is somehow clever.
My conclusions are that you are nothing more than a sixteen year-old male. Of course, we'll have to kill you. Can't let that virus of yours spread.
Richie27 said:
So when ur done stickin up 4 homoz n explaining how u get all the bitches hahaaha which in case is guyz of course n yeh buddy i have u all figured out see by just lookin at ur dp i can tell that guy he doesnt wanna be bummed by you but see he doesnt have a choice becoz he is trapped and no1 can hear his screams!!! so plz take ur vagina lips to ur emo friends and try n get laid because its ppl lyk u who give US guyz a bad name! (see i didnt use guyz where ppl is becoz u hav ovaries instead of ballz n dont blame me 4 speakin the truth blame ur sista she tends to say shit wen we do our thing if u kno wot i mean oohhh wait i 4got ur gay.... sorri
I don't get "all the bitches"; in fact, I've only ever been in the one relationship, which is the one I'm in now. And unlike you, I actually know how to treat women, which probably explains why it's been going on a year now.
You know why you give men a bad name? Because you couldn't hold a conversation with a woman owing to the fact that you spend the few sentences you share with them staring a their breasts and drooling. You probably do this to your own mother. You seem to think that all women think, act and behave the way they do in the porn you need to watch to get off. You've also come to the conclusion that they'll be throwing themselves at you to get laid and that jelly wrestling will take place simply to get the rights to take you first. Women have words for men like you like creepy and sleazy. And given the way women fight, they'll tell all their friends about you, and they'll tell
their friends and before you know it, you'll have a reputation for yourself that will be very hard to undo. And by all accounts, you certainly seem to deserve it.
Now you see, I really don't care if you get sex seven times a day for seven straight days and I only have sex with my girlfriend once in that same space of time. Why? Because I know it'll be far better than anything you have. As was pointed out in the FAQs for the Love and Relationships subforum, you're not going to have sex for hours at a time with ten supermodels and then snort a line of coke from their clevage. You'll probably pick up some dosed up and drunk tramp and odds are, she isn't going to be Angelina Jolie.
Richie27 said:
Nope, sorry. It certainly isn't checkmate. And you can't reall call yourself for owning people without looking like an arrogant fuckwit (but hey, you already look like one); other people tend to do that.
And for the record, other people older and wiser have tried to get rid of me and have used far more convincing arguments to do so. But I'm still here, so you've got nothing. Don't waste your time or people are going to wipe the floor with you.