nwatts said:
From SMH article - "He slipped one arm around the small of my back, leant down and said: "Enough of that. Are you available?" I must have looked startled, as did my colleague."
All predisposition aside, if you cannot realise that actions like this allude to sex, you need to get out more.
some people are ridiculously hysterical. omg, so yes, he asked if she was available. yes, there were sexual undertones. yes, he flirted with her. maybe he was perfectly serious and wanted to bone her there. maybe he was joking and trying to enjoy a fun night at a bar with a pretty woman. she said she had a bf. he backed off. big whoop!! how does that justify her self-righteous drivel of "no woman should be made to feel how i felt..."??? it was certainly dumb for a man in a public position to do something like that at a function with journalists, but if we take the situation to an average guy in a bar with the average girl, would the girl be screaming sexual harassment? somehow i doubt it.
that said there's way more to the brogden saga than this shit. there's all that liberal extreme christian right faction machiavellian manouvreing (i'll just quickly disassociate myself from them) to bring the small-l-liberal brogden down. like that bar crap happened last month, not yesterday - it was shushed up then suddenly everywhere.
some reckon debnam is merely the pawn of the real powerplayers (hey...an english text up for grabs?) david clarke and alex hawke: anti-abortionists, anti-gay marriage, highly conservative and verging on extremism. there's talk of preselections being threatened and all sorts of backdoor dealing. man, politics disgusts me atm.