Hi, I’m a student at UWS and I also work in the UWS call centre. Anyone having difficulty with using the My Student Records (MySR) system should call the MySR Helpline on 1300 668 370. We can help if you are having difficulty navigating the system, enrolling in units, etc. It’s best if you can call up whilst you are on the net so then we can actually walk you through the process step by step. There are also some supported computer labs being provided on campuses where you can be assisted through the process by a staff member. These are on the 4th 5th 6th and 7th of Feb, call us for locations.
However, for information on which units to select for electives / pool units etc, you should go to the Academic Advising session for your course to obtain advice from your Head of Program. Info on these session times and locations can be found here:
http://www.uws.edu.au/students/stuadmin/start/local/info , or if you have missed your session then email your course advisor / head of program. Most sessions are occurring between 29th Jan – 7th Feb.
A helpful link for finding information after you have been made an offer for UWS is:
www.uws.edu.au/newstudents and if you follow the “simple steps” flow chart you should be ok.