although everyone [including me] in this school probably rekens the school is pretty pov, in actual fact, it isn't, i mean we have the large hall, new comps that run UT2k4 fine, video recorders, lots of tv's, lots of projects and of course paper mashe ceilings
and to quote one of my teachers "the P&C count money in wheelbarrel"
On tuesdays the seniors get to go home at 12:15 instead of 3:25 as usual. But i think that is because we have maths every morning (cept wednesdays) instead of roll call and it starts 20 minutes before the juniors start school and 45 minutes before the juniors start doing actual subjects.
On wednesdays we have sport but in yr 12 we dont have to do it so we get to go home at 12:30. Cant wait!