Hey if you go to a really crap like bottom of the line school but u as an individual and a few other students do really good, would the marks be affected much bcoz u go to a crap scool?
yeah, if u get 90 and the rest of ur class gets 40 in chem in the hsc, and a ruse student gets the same mark, and ur assess marks were like 50 marks ahead of ur class, it'll make no difference
yeah leanne to tell the truth i was a little worried about our school.. but you know what?? i think we will go okay cos look at how many all-rounders there are in our grade!! i can think of a few who might even crack the 99 mark (e.g freya). i think we're a pretty good year
yeah there's a coupla hopeless people in my school too who refuse to study... i was worried about that also
i actually can't wait to see wait kinda UAI i actually get after the BOS and UAC people finish screwing around with my marks... it will be interesting