tattoodguy said:
Our governmetn should intervene when our citizens are being mistreated.
If the fucking bali ppple and indos want hand outs from us etc............they can give us the fucking courtousy of treating our citizens with respect.
Those fucking bali bombers get the same punishment as drug smugglers.........
Indonesian/bali justice is fucking rediculous..............
most countries justice system relating to drugs is a joke.
drug dealing isnt even a crime.......there is nothing immmoral about selling drugs or smuggliing drugs etc.
Drug dealing has no i catn really seee a crime in it.............just because our immmoral fucked government says something is wrong............doesnt mean it is........
Our government is full of shit.
It is a victimless crime u dumb fucks. sure it has some bad side effects indirectly. but it is victimlesss.
me selling u drugs for money.............hurts no body. Absolutely fucking no body.
If you decide to take drugs and fuck yourself -----------thats ur own fucking fauult...take responsibility you fucking junkies....
Would u rather have a dude importing alot of drugs........or have someone kill your mum?
our laws should encourage people to commit non voilent crimes...........
If you have to commit a rather you sell drugs than killl someone and take there money.
alll non voilent crimes pretty much should get a slap on the wrist.........voilent fuckers....who hurt innocent ppple should be the ones who are treated harshly.......
Our police waste time and resources on chasing pettty drug dealers and even recreational drug users----------- when those resources could be used to stop voilent crimes...........
Thats a fucking problem..
Seriously...........our governemtn has no right to put drug dealers in jail with sick violent fucks............its fucking bull shit.
Our government is a fucking hypocrite..........they profit ..from gambling and alcolohol and cigerettes.............................. our government openly profits off the suffering of addiction.
And then when others do it thats a major fucking crime........thats just bull shit.
Im not saying we should ban alcohol.......but drug dealers/drug takers should be given some fucking chances.
Drink driving posses a more serious threat to innocent people than selling drugs.
when you're in a foreign country, you're obliged to obey their laws. it would be injust if foreigners were treated better or worse than the natives.
of course drug dealing is a crime, if you consider the health effects, and the crimes it leads to when people are desperate for drugs.
drugs hurt people who use it, and people who have too much money who get robbed or killed just because some doped-up guy is craving for pot. drugs (with the exception of medical uses) have absolutely no benefits or purpose behind their existence, but in fact are harmful for both the individual and society. that's why it is a crime to deal drugs.
in australia, if someone committed murder or is convicted of drug dealing, they don't get the death penalty anyway, because it doesn't exist in our legal system. in other countries, it does. so deal with it.
lighter crimes are still crimes. if you stole a cd - hurting nobody - you're still going to get punished. just because the crime is light doesn't mean that it should be overlooked.
but generally, you're an idiot.