He wants to use this site's forums because he finds them very useful but he's scared of all the cyberbullies here.
ilikebeeef's Newbie's Guide to BOS Survival (I would classify someone as a newb until their post count reaches 100, unless they sound like they know the place well)
Only Post in: Secondary Education, Contact Moderators or Site Help
Avoid posting in: Other topics especially Non-school and NCAP. However if you are interested in the types of games/clothing/whatever that is being discussed, feel free to post in these areas. Don't openly diss things though.
Be: Aware of the reports system, mods are there for a reason
Don't be: An idiot or a troll.
Do: Rep people and be a genuinely nice and open person (however, stand up for yourself too).
Don't: Neg people.
Make some: friends
Join: open and large groups such as "I LOVE FOOD" and "Procrastinating? Me too." to show that you're not just a lurker who does nothing. If you join I LOVE FOOD, then participate in discussions such as "what is your favourite food?". No one will flame you there unless they're a retard.
But do the pros outweigh the cons?
Yes, otherwise we wouldn't be on this site.
lol. Most aren't bullies. They're just upfront about their opinions.
He's scared of getting dissed just like how some people dissed me.
It's a dog-eat-dog world. Jks.
I think it is how you perceive it really. I don't get offended by posts which disagree with mine, in fact, it makes things more interesting, and sometimes I learn something new, and learning is good. For sexist/racist comments I just get amused at how ignorant they are, then just report them. No problems.
Tell him just to post neutrally, and not to post in the politics or news section (sure to get you some enemies). If he has questions in regards to school I'm sure it'll be fine. People who cyber bully are cowards anyway, well, people who bully in general. They're insecure and looking for rep from others who are just as bad as them (pack mentality on the web). If anybody says anything to him that isn't pleasant, it's best to ignore it, but I doubt he'll fall into that.
+1. A few trolls won't bring down a community of cool people.
maybe you should give your account to him for him to make his first post.
and then when he finds that its not too frightening, get him to slowly make posts using his own account
+1. That's an excellent idea.
Tell him if anyone picks on him...
K Tully has his back.
Ya, me too.
I'm a newbie supporter. ^ . ^