HSC marker/tutor email:
"As you would appreciate there are different categories of students. Some found the exam challenging and others found it easy. Personally at this stage you can't tell because 5 % of canditure of students must fail. So if a lot of studs failed then you would expect a big lift in all the marks i.e. scaling up. The general rule is you should waite for your mark before making judgements because we scale your HSC test results and then average it with your moderated school assessment marks. Essentially the HSC exam is worth 50% of your totals assessment for 3 unit. This has to be taken into consideration when making judgement about which subjects will not count in your overall mark."
I think a lot of students failed this exam. im estimating 63-70% raw, it will b scaled depending on how poorly people went in this exam.
lucky for most 3u students, the scaling is always good, a 70% HSC mark in 3u maths is better then 80% in 3u english (according to SAM)