cheap tactics... all i do is borrow all the study guides from our school's library even though i already have them and never return them. the school can't do anything except send warning letters home, but my parents don't care. so them really cheap students who can't afford books will not be allowed to beat me in assessments.
i recommend you purchase them worked solutions for math from this sami el horse dude (hopefully buchanan don't see this) so you don't have to worry about this so called selfish louts that wants to get ahead by using dirty tactics. the site is: http://www.sngweb.com/publishing/teacherpublication.html
i recommend you purchase them worked solutions for math from this sami el horse dude (hopefully buchanan don't see this) so you don't have to worry about this so called selfish louts that wants to get ahead by using dirty tactics. the site is: http://www.sngweb.com/publishing/teacherpublication.html