Sorry if these have been mentioned before, but i couldnt be bothered reading the 440 posts here.
* Stop asking me if i work here - yes, i uniform, name badge, phone and personal scanner all suggest this, as well as the fact that i am filling or cleaning shelves, or doing other work-related tasks.
* Dont ask me questions and expect an immediate answer when you can clearly see a phone held to my ear...and when i dont answer you or indicate "wait a sec" dont get all huffy and roll your eyes at me
* likewise, if my back is turned, dont ask your question in a single word "shoes?" - well yes, i am wearing some, yes we sell them..oh you want to know where they are! Excuse me is a very polite way of getting attention
* When i am carrying a rather heavy item (eg microwave) please dont ask me where the pet section or anything else know that i am going to have to indicate with my hands or take you there myself...because you will more than likely get lost anyway
* yes we have run out of the ad it was a popular item and it is not my fault. We might get more in, i dont ring Head office and tell them we're running low.
* Stop telling me the store looks like a warehouse...i know...i am here every weekend. They made it like that on purpose
* Please try not to start discussions with me on politics or current affairs...yes i have an opinion but i dont want to be here for hours discussing why Schappelle is in jail (yes it happened last weekend)
...i work at Kmart btw