Mister Monday
As above person said.. sorry for the massiveness and these questions are fairly cool 
1. What's the title of your story? - 'Over the Hill'
2. What's the name of one of the main characters? - main character is called Isaac
3.Is/are they guys/girls? - There are both guys AND girls ;O
4. What is one setting/location? - A tavern !
5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? probably fantasty
6. Whats the time period? make believe fantasy time
7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. - nope
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). - first and third, second is fucking impossible.
2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. - mixes between serious and humourous
3) Over how many years does your story span? - err quite a few.. ;s
4) How many characters die? - none i don't tihnk
5) What was the previous name for your story? - ..over the hill ;D?
6) How many main characters have you utilised? - mm not sure, must be about five
7) How many sub characters have you utilised? - probably about 7
8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? -
9) Does your story take place in both night and day? - it sure does
10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. - subtle invisible and gigantic
1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? - no idea, don't know what effluent is
2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? - yesterday, ask the person sitting to the left of you, they'll tell you how.
3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. - D:!
What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
Not sure, things throughout my life i guess
Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?
Spose it could be a crappy anime, but nothing good
Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
Them be fightin' words.
1) What stage are you at? - Refining, finally
2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception. - 70%
3) What is your in-class assessment mark? haven't done all of our assessments, but so far it's something shit.. 19/30? go me
4) State the point your story is trying to make in a single sentence. - There are always choices no matter what you've done.. makes it sound fairly gay actually ;s
5) Name the experimental or unconventional techniques and structures you have utilised in your story. i.e. thought convergence, dual narrative, flashbacks. - annoying flashbacks, omniscienent narrator has a personality.
6) Sex. - none in this story ;(
7) Give a quick summary of your story if everything were made completely opposite and polarised. - um, it wouldn't make sense
8) Setting: Northern hemisphere/Southern hemisphere/Both - never thought about it.. the world can be flat ;D
9) Do you have intertextuality? What real world allusions did you make? - i don't think so
10) Did you use any of these five words in your story: Transcend, sojourn, melancholy, conjugal, insipid. - i don't think so ;o
11) <3 or </3 - <3
1. What's the title of your story? - 'Over the Hill'
2. What's the name of one of the main characters? - main character is called Isaac
3.Is/are they guys/girls? - There are both guys AND girls ;O
4. What is one setting/location? - A tavern !
5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? probably fantasty
6. Whats the time period? make believe fantasy time
7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. - nope
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). - first and third, second is fucking impossible.
2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. - mixes between serious and humourous
3) Over how many years does your story span? - err quite a few.. ;s
4) How many characters die? - none i don't tihnk
5) What was the previous name for your story? - ..over the hill ;D?
6) How many main characters have you utilised? - mm not sure, must be about five
7) How many sub characters have you utilised? - probably about 7
8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? -
9) Does your story take place in both night and day? - it sure does
10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. - subtle invisible and gigantic
1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? - no idea, don't know what effluent is
2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? - yesterday, ask the person sitting to the left of you, they'll tell you how.
3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. - D:!
What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
Not sure, things throughout my life i guess
Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?
Spose it could be a crappy anime, but nothing good
Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
Them be fightin' words.
1) What stage are you at? - Refining, finally
2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception. - 70%
3) What is your in-class assessment mark? haven't done all of our assessments, but so far it's something shit.. 19/30? go me
4) State the point your story is trying to make in a single sentence. - There are always choices no matter what you've done.. makes it sound fairly gay actually ;s
5) Name the experimental or unconventional techniques and structures you have utilised in your story. i.e. thought convergence, dual narrative, flashbacks. - annoying flashbacks, omniscienent narrator has a personality.
6) Sex. - none in this story ;(
7) Give a quick summary of your story if everything were made completely opposite and polarised. - um, it wouldn't make sense
8) Setting: Northern hemisphere/Southern hemisphere/Both - never thought about it.. the world can be flat ;D
9) Do you have intertextuality? What real world allusions did you make? - i don't think so
10) Did you use any of these five words in your story: Transcend, sojourn, melancholy, conjugal, insipid. - i don't think so ;o
11) <3 or </3 - <3